Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A total of 2421 singleton boys were born alive during 1907–24 and had their birth weight and either head circumference or both head diameters recorded .
2 Later he was sorry for this and taught himself to read hymns and easy accompaniments .
3 Catch weights , so do n't matters what it was but that man who was weighing them he got no brains , if one was overweight and go down , the next one got ta be underweight and he 'd take that off that and put it on that , he was so quick , wh that 's what he , he was a good checker , they were good men then
4 ‘ I 've been using a Les Paul Gold Top for a long time — a ‘ 59 reissue with P-90s — but I 've got this unfortunate habit of getting pissed off onstage and tossing the odd guitar , so rather than risk the Gold Top any more I 've bought one of these new Hamers , which is styled after a '50s Les Paul Special .
5 She felt guilty about nagging but driven to do so .
6 This seems to leave us only two options : either to believe anyway ( repressing our doubts and feeling guilty about those that remain ) or to give up faith .
7 India were 397 for three and take a 50-run first-innings lead into the fourth day .
8 To find the response , the mirror allocation can be located at point 3 by striking a line from 2 through 1 and extending it for a distance equal to 21 ; i.e. 31 = 12 .
9 She felt embarrassed about this when travelling around London with younger colleagues as they frequently had to resort to a taxi if no bus were available .
10 One final point I would make is is that there has been a a little bit of an impression given I think in some comments this morning that we have a a virtual free for all as regards the availability of agricultural land and er the marked change that it has been said to occur since nineteen eighty .
11 In Gouda a city-centre network of tactile strips of ribbed paving stones that could be followed by those using a stick proved adequate for elderly and chairbound users , but the blind could not manage without assistance ( Figure 8.6 ) .
12 And er there were two nurses always detailed to go around about half past nine and tidy all the beds up and the patients had got to look like patients .
13 And apparently she phoned her the other night at half past twelve and said can you come and pick me up ? said no .
14 Tessa came in at half past eight and looked overjoyed .
15 but of course erm as a sort of public to the er , er a gesture to the public erm but one stage during the war when things were getting a bit grim on the war front , it was decided that erm , we should work extra hours as erm , to show that we were pulling our weight , so we used to , instead of starting at nine o'clock until erm half past five , and working on Saturdays as well of course , erm , we had to start at half past eight and finish at six and it was a bit of a fiasco really because nobody erm , you know , well the end of the half past five you were pretty well tired out so erm the rest of the time
16 His room overlooked our house , and he could watch the comings and goings — we were having some turf laid at the time in which he was taking a great interest — and I used to drive round there every evening at half past five and bring him home for a meal , after which we would chat or watch television .
17 He called at the Vicarage at about half past two and asked if he could see the church .
18 We spend a decade conditioning ourselves to act in a certain way , with a certain decisiveness , caution , thoroughness , and the result is that we ca n't shake it off at half past six and revert to some more natural state .
19 and then we 'll get on the bus about half past four and bring him to your house .
20 Yes and he 's very , very difficult to feed himself , to get the food in because , you know , he liked to come in a half past ten and bully me to cook things for him that 's why sometimes I used to run up to bed and pretend I was asleep .
21 Call us on Nottingham three four three four three four if you want to go on Where Are You Now the feature we have at half past three but ring soonest please .
22 at half past three or you can say if you 'd like to , if you 'd like to wait for half an hour , we 'll get a giro cheque to , issued to you or if you 'd rather you can come back at half past three and collect it .
23 If Fiver 's horrors had kept him above ground all night in the rain , oblivious of cold and prowling elil , then clearly it was not going to he easy to talk him out of them .
24 Most communist states do not endorse organizational democracy , and some of those that do , such as Hungary , do so in theory but not practice .
25 But it is interesting that in the 1980s even some of those that did n't plant churches began to move in the direction of doing so .
26 Here are some of those that have been raised by various scientists .
27 Well we have yes , but some of those that have gone seem to be clawing their way back at the last minute erm Longeaton look to be saved again at very last knockings erm so of course Eastbourne has gone .
28 My colleague , Eric Miller , has summarised some of these as follows :
29 Well they could buy some of these and turn these into council houses or flats or something like that .
30 Use a trowel to scoop up some of these and put them in a plastic bag .
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