Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] three [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then er , the sixth assembly in Vancouver in nineteen eight three and the seventh assembly in Canberra , last year .
2 Er he er was the former Ground Executive Officer on the base from June nineteen forty three when the Hundredth Bomb Group started daylight operations against Nazi Germany until erm August nineteen forty five .
3 The use of this five hundred and fifty thousand pounds is conditional on the Policy Committee 's approval and the decision on this will be taken in January nineteen ninety three when the final standard spending assessment was known to the County Council , Chairman the recommendations I can claim reception for and the detailed budget claimants are attached to the pending here .
4 Whereas locations to the north of York , and here we 're dealing with here ma'am er dealing sir with the A sixty four north and the B one three six three and the A nineteen north would tend to serve the needs of Greater York .
5 All committees are receiving reports on this way on their , their revised estimate for nineteen ninety two three and the nineteen ninety three four budget , as stated in section one of the report these are compiled to comply to the revenue guidelines issued to each Service Committee by the Policy Committee in September .
6 I met some now very loyal friends who have seen me through these last three and a half years .
7 Experienced planners could do this job in three or four hours — we had to arrange four meetings each lasting three and a half hours and they still only just got it done .
8 I 've got one two three and a black-slash
9 Colleagues , we now move into the jobs and recovery debates , in which we 'll be taking composite eight , motion two seven eight , motion two seven nine , composite ten , motion two eight three and the emergency motion number two Pit Review and Closures to move by the Midland and East Coast Region .
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