Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] was [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 This latter was built by The Club of Czech Tourists who had seen the Eiffel Tower at the International Exhibition in Paris in 1889 .
2 ( This last was ignored by Iran , which perceived it — perhaps with some accuracy — as having been staged by Baghdad from the outset . )
3 This last was exacerbated by the overcrowding which existed in the old , foetid and disease-ridden central area , where cholera made sudden savage attacks and typhoid was endemic .
4 Following on from the suggestion of plate separation in the Devonian , the early Carboniferous was characterised by tension and rifting , as in the Midland Valley of Scotland , with its extensive lava flows .
5 The machine , an original Boston Tacker from the early nineteen hundreds was prepared by Taffy for showing at the exhibition this month at Wellingborough branch .
6 The importance of wine for Reims as a form of commerce in the early 1300s was demonstrated by the emergence of the courtiers de vin .
7 The fusion of a Country coalition in opposition to the Court in the early 1690s was assisted by the common experience of working on the Commission of Public Accounts , which led a number of Tories and Whigs to realise they had more in common with each other than with their supposed party allies at Court .
8 Uncertainty regarding the currency in early 1989 was exacerbated by a wave of strikes by dockers , public transport workers , police , bank and hospital employees , and postal and telecommunications workers , and by rising prices .
9 All the previous imports had been from Germany , but one of the most influential imports of the early 1960s was made by the Elsdens , who looked to Holland for their import .
10 In practice the authority of an individual metropolitan was influenced by political factors , such as the favour in which he was held at court .
11 The trench warfare of the early 1980s was replaced by more subtle forms of guerrilla conflict , in which the guiding principles are no longer so straightforward , yet the consequences of change may be rather more significant , to the extent that the '80s as a whole might justifiably be seen as a period of structural change .
12 Whereas in the 1980s the reforming emphasis was on market economics without political openness ( perestroika without glasnost ) , the China of the mid-to-late 1990s was driven by a concern for political openness for the first time in its history .
13 For in all that was said by me , I was nothing , the Lord put all in my mouth , and told me what I should say , and that from the written word , he put it in my memory and mouth ; so that I will have nothing ascribed to me .
14 That was all that was determined by the judgment in Williams v. Singer .
15 The first oil crisis gave rise to renewed demand for dollars , since payments to oil exporting countries are made in this form , but in the late 1970s this was followed by another dollar crisis which undermined its integrity as the key international reserve asset .
16 All this was done by the morning of the I twelfth day ; and all that day the people of the Cid were busied in making ready their arms , and in loading beasts with all that they had , so that they left nothing of any price in the whole city of Valencia , save only the empty houses .
17 All this was recognized by an MBE .
18 All this was prompted by a week in Spain where I encountered something I have n't experienced in years — fresh air — and it 's quite gone to my head .
19 All this was owned by the d'Urbervilles , or the Stoke-d'Urbervilles as they called themselves at first .
20 All this was removed by the Korean War .
21 All this was changed by Noam Chomsky .
22 The 1973 Grand National was won by Red Rum , ridden by Brian Fletcher , by three quarters of a length from Crisp , with L'Escargot twenty-five lengths away in third and Spanish Steps a further twelve lengths back in fourth .
23 The task of the great turn-off was undertaken by , supervisor of typing services since the company first moved to the four-storey building in March , 1971 .
24 The turmoil in foreign exchange markets of the late 1960s was perceived by the EC member countries as placing in jeopardy the successes achieved in establishing a customs union and the common agricultural policy .
25 Echographic evaluation of gastric emptying was obtained by measuring the prespinal vertical antral diameter just before the intake of drugs , and every hour over a six hour period , using an ATL Ultramark 4 ultrasound scanner equipped with a 3.5 MHz probe .
26 Motility was then assessed in each patient by non-invasive tests : gastric emptying was measured by means of solid radioopaque markers , gall bladder contraction in response to cholecystokinin 8 stimulation by ultrasonography , mouth-to-caecum transit time by using the lactulose hydrogen breath test , and colonic transit time again by means of indigestible radioopaque markers .
27 Graham Townsend , who 's fifty nine was attacked by three youths at his shop in Witney .
28 He remembers the great side of 1987 that was destroyed by poor selection .
29 On Jan. 16 Khaled was arrested by police , who found him walking in Brussels , but was released on instruction from the Foreign Ministry and expelled from the country on Jan. 23 .
30 One such was devised by H. Thomas , J. Rowland and J. Stoddart ( 1984 ) .
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