Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [coord] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 er since nineteen forty six or something I do n't know the date exactly
2 er I know I look like a real goody goody and everything I 'm not really !
3 A reformed chocoholic and one who turned her back on butter only a few months ago , I was interested to see if my attempts to live more healthily had borne fruit .
4 And he only had to wait a couple of erm points left on his licence so if I 'd taken the dangerous thriving or something he could have lost his licence but erm that 's besides the point .
5 So if you erm press the return key er go into option three right and what we 'll do is we 'll , we 'll plot erm plot the histogram of the residuals because what this test for normality is doing is seeing whether the residuals we get from our regression are normally distributed , right O and S assumes that they will be .
6 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
7 I do n't know whether it 's exactly the same company , or whether it 's erm , brackets nineteen ninety three or whatever it is .
8 in or a hundred and forty nine ninety nine or whatever it was , I ca n't remember in erm Argos
9 Bensons have gone up after all their adverts about staying at one ninety nine or something they 've gone up .
10 And that 's not quite on so that would bring it a little bit it might be about ninety two or something it might
11 Erm e e they 're all individual and mine I think , looking back , was erm erm er a light er experience and I mean as I 've said , the the erm er w this telescope they shove up you , er I mean , Chris Patton had the same thing .
12 So would that be about er the late fifties or something you would you came here then yourself ?
13 Only when you sixty five or whatever it is .
14 I got to stick with the President and all I can think about.is those two and what they 're up to .
15 Hereford United next and what they would do for a cup run … come to think of it what they would do for a win … on Saturday United lost out again in the third division … two-one at Cardiff City
16 And I think some people she charges about one fifty but me I teacher .
17 And some person had very kindly turned round the sign for the A nine nine four or whatever it was .
18 Yeah but now we got the extra five hundred and which I say is th is , makes up for the which is five percent of the purchase price we 've got an extra to play with and get a bit more .
19 Mm Oh I 've put in for one to pay the erm interest on the mortgage , which I have to do and that 's all being seen to because I 've had another letter saying can you tell me what this second loan were for and I 've put down yes , it was for windows and sent a bit of paper er , you know , that we 've paid four thousand seven hundred and something , five thousand , nine hundred and something we 've paid for them windows and I 've spent that
20 Ours usually want twenty four and what our garage usually do , if you take it earlier they put down the twenty fourth of February
21 All you got ta do , you got ta get from there to there to there and the one who gets there and gets a hundred thousand or whatever it is in n it ?
22 Therefore , in the unlikely event that a ceremony of marriage is performed between an unoperated transsexual and someone who is unaware of the partner 's condition , the remedy of a petition for nullity must suffice , grounded on the fact that the marriage is voidable because of the fraud of the other and the consequent lack of valid consent of the innocent party .
23 Now it seemed to me that one thousand six hundred was initially as a result of survey work or shall we say investigation into the housing waiting list carried out by the York housing department , and I have to say that I have a certain respect for the York housing department , and they have a certain reasonable and good reputation within the region as a housing department , and so there seems to me that there is a gr a there is a potential to underestimate er the the affordable requirement that 's been put to you , another point erm I 'd just like perhaps to seek a little clarification from Mr Curtis , was was unfortunately I was looking something else up or my attention was diverted when he gave some figures for Ryedale and Selby , I think he said , and I 'll happily stand corrected on this , that if you take away the York requirement figure from his ten thousand four hundred for Greater York , then the remainder he would apportion to Selby and Ryedale , so that Selby got four thousand two hundred , sorry , so that Ryedale got four thousand two hundred and Selby got one thousand seven hundred , erm that does n't add up to ten thousand four hundred and I I I in total , and I I wondered where the rest was coming from , if I the point correctly .
24 The actual two hundred and whatever it was
25 That I support the addition that that we that we should get on with it as quickly as possible and I suppose also that I regret the support that the request for an extra thirty seven thousand or whatever it is pounds in order to enable that to be carried out .
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