Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun pl] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Referring principally to those techniques of soil conservation developed by research stations and government institutions , many studies of the economics of soil conservation which focus on the private economic incentives for soil conservation , show that , although total benefits from a soil conservation scheme such as terracing may be more than the total cost , individual farmers usually lose income from these practices ( Harshbarger & Swanson 1964 , Holtman & Connor 1974 ) .
2 To date , the group of Advisers has secured offers totalling 58,497 work experience places for pupils from employers and 2,054 possible placements for teachers .
3 What he says is that erm you know when he was writing of six hundred and fifty eight seats in parliament , I do n't know how many there are now , but he says if we allowed for people to be paid , then we have as it were six hundred and fifty eight prizes to people 's six hundred and fifty eight jobs for people and he says and this is rather astonishing to hear , to read this is that it will attract adventurism of low class to er parliament if we pay members of parliament .
4 We may thus argue that /a/ functions for women as a network marker to a greater extent than it does for men ; by this we mean that there is for them a higher correlation between choice of variant and network structure , a tendency to select relatively backed variants being associated with higher levels of integration into the community .
5 All too often his own officials negotiate for lower European standards for fear of any possible impact on UK firms .
6 There were only eight private acts for enclosure in the whole of England before 1714 , eighteen under George I ( 1714–27 ) , and 229 under George II ( 1727–60 ) , most of these in the latter part of his reign .
7 Conflicts among these state power centres are common , leading to confusion of objectives , or even mutually conflicting political messages for state enterprises .
8 Eleven free kicks for fouls already .
9 and I 've only just started , still got two people outstanding so I 've got that forty pound and I put that into the building society and use that forty pounds for months see so it kind of like saved it for me , I 've managed , had to do without it
10 I appreciate that the hon. Member for Bolsover and the right hon. Members for Bethnal Green and Stepney ( Mr. Shore ) and for Chingford ( Mr. Tebbit ) believe that that would be a good day 's work .
11 In a short speech , I shall not attempt to make again the points made so tellingly by others , not least my right hon. Friends the Members for Finchley ( Mrs. Thatcher ) , for Shropshire , North ( Mr. Biffen ) , for Cirencester and Tewkesbury ( Mr. Ridley ) , the right hon. Members for Bethnal Green and Stepney ( Mr. Shore ) and for Plymouth , Devonport ( Dr. Owen ) and my hon. Friend the Member for Stafford ( Mr. Cash ) .
12 I have had help from the right hon. Members for Blaenau Gwent ( Mr. Foot ) and for Tweeddale , Ettrick and Lauderdale ( Sir D. Steel ) in advocating that my right hon. and learned Friend should tackle the problem of dyslexia .
13 We have heard speeches not only by my hon. Friend the Member for Leicestershire , North-West , who initiated the debate , and the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West but by the hon. Members for Leicester , East ( Mr. Vaz ) , for Rutland and Melton ( Mr. Latham ) , for Harborough ( Sir J. Farr ) , for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) , for Staffordshire , South ( Mr. Cormack ) , and for Hendon , South ( Mr. Marshall ) , my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Burton ( Mr. Lawrence ) and the right hon. Members for Morley and Leeds , South ( Mr. Rees ) and the hon. Members for Crewe and Nantwich ( Mrs. Dunwoody ) , for Houghton and Washington ( Mr. Boyes ) , the hon. and learned Member for Montgomery ( Mr. Carlile ) , and the Opposition Chief Whip .
14 We would therefore encourage the use of the described radiation protection devices , whilst pointing out at the same time that the usual high standards for prevention of ingestion , inhalation or skin absorption of radioactive compounds should still , of course , be maintained .
15 Mr Hurd still hoped the UN High Commissioner for Refugees would agree to help the Hanoi embassy in monitoring conditions for returnees , and said he had already asked British non-governmental organisations for co-operation .
16 Wilkinson points out that not only did the system of job rotation create immediate psychological advantages ( ’ … the staff like it , they like the change … ’ was one comment ) , but there were also direct economic advantages for management .
17 Our guiding principle is that pupils with special educational needs should , as far as possible , have the opportunity to experience the full range of the English curriculum , but we make some broad recommendations for modifications to attainment targets , programmes of study and assessment arrangements which we feel may nevertheless be necessary .
18 Titan yellow in alcohol and alkaline Alizarin red S are two reliable specific stains for dolomite , but have the disadvantage for thin sections of needing to boil .
19 In this section , I shall use some observations from a part of the research into the work of social services in order to illustrate some of these ‘ ideas in action ’ , and some possible implications for policy and practice .
20 PCBs — polychlorinated biphenyls — are very inert organic substances , which were prized because they were flexible ( being liquids ) but had very high insulating properties for electricity .
21 Intergraph Corp is showcasing 30 technical applications for Microsoft Corp 's NT at the show .
22 In a survey of the top IT-based issues for managers in the UK , it was recently found that ‘ external data ’ ranked in importance as 23rd out of 23 issues of concern !
23 The aid conference included five specialized working groups for discussions on specific issues : food aid , energy , medicines , housing for returning military personnel and technical assistance .
24 The mass disfranchisement of thousands of citizens in local government , the disgraceful manipulation of constituency boundaries , the enforced political tests for government jobs and legislation , such as the Flags and Emblems Act , were some of the shackles on individual freedom which would never be tolerated in England .
25 Yet , in spite of repeated European calls for Britain to join the ERM , it is plain West Germany and France would not welcome British membership at present .
26 It took less than forty eight hours for Alice to die .
27 But there are few definite sources for Thomas 's activities — and even less for his thoughts , opinions , and attitudes — during the period between 30 March 1896 , the end of his nature diary ( the appendix to The Woodland Life ) , and his entry into Oxford .
28 The conventional orchestral writing was again skilfully wrought and effectively deployed , however , with some striking passages for woodwind and brass in particular .
29 Effects ( c ) would bring benefits by reducing costs incurred by different technical standards for goods , and by removing the barriers caused by the variety of rules and regulations governing key business and consumer services like financial , legal , accounting , and transport services .
30 Some 500 applications for Alpha machines are available now , and over 2,000 will be released in the near future by 1,000 or so software developers .
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