Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But he only grinned , and stretched his legs out luxuriantly , leaning back on the narrow underwater bench that circled the edge of the pool and extending one casual arm behind her head .
2 guilt , the acute emotional discomfort that follows transgression of the rules and leads to confession , reparation or blaming oneself ;
3 But had they , too , come up against that indefinable barrier that had stopped him ?
4 They 've got the erm , that mobile shop that comes round here
5 Current theoretical inquiry is often concerned with considering the drama within terms of cultural production , but analysis is dependent on representing the plays in a stable textual form that obscures the condition of the drama 's cultural production .
6 Another far-reaching economic factor that has affected world trade was the decision in November 1973 by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) to increase the price of oil .
7 Profoundly disturbing questions must be raised about the imperfections or obstacles in the representative political process that frustrate the wishes of the sovereign populace it is ostensibly designed to represent .
8 But she was already locked within the power of his desire , within the focus of that concentrated attention that had held her in thrall before .
9 But do you know , me cousin Eric , who 's quite a lot older than me , was at Scarborough with me Uncle and and his mother and dad and he was only a little one and he was stood in that narrow street that goes off , off the
10 What we need is a stable economic climate that encourages companies to invest on a consistent , long-term basis .
11 This work is by far the most impressive of the group : the relationship between soloist and orchestra is developed in a most unconventional way , and the C minor slow movement conveys a telling emotional intensity that presages Mozart 's later ; great works in that key .
12 But f f f for many people Judy I mean th people will look to you with some degree of er of admiration and maybe some degree of of envy that you do have that strong faith that 's that 's helped you through those times .
13 It may be that one day we shall discover a complete unified theory that predicts them all , but it is also possible that some or all of them vary from universe to universe or within a single universe .
14 Was that that bloke that rang me up ?
15 The capacity of the means of mass communication to convey these images of destruction and suffering can not be doubted , but there are two fundamental issues of broad political concern that remain unresolved .
16 He sat back , studying the hologram a moment , conscious of how it waited for him , displaying that unquestioning patience that distinguished the mechanical from the human .
17 It was rather like that strange spirit that hovered over the Wilson family when they were contemplating an evening out and told them where they ought to eat , and it had something in common with whatever it was that told the entire Liverpool football stadium to sing ‘ You 'll Never Walk Alone ’ at the same moment .
18 In any event , that strange sound that has lately been emanating from the American scientific community is a kind of purring .
19 I heard the machine that he rubs across the floor start up with that horrendous howl that makes my teeth curl .
20 Her remark had been in bad taste , she acknowledged , but that was no reason for him to lay into her with yet another string of personal insults , all dished out in that patronising way that got her blood heated to boiling-point .
21 So it was without surprise that he found himself sharing with her one of the tinny , open-sided cars of the creaky old funicular that saved tourists the toil of climbing the seven hundred and more steep stone steps up from the Marina Grande .
22 They met head on with elements of that teenage army that had also emerged from 1956 .
23 Each different particle that put is able to combine with must have a separate entry . )
24 And for a succinct description of that social nexus that fits the Zande like a glove we can go , for a change , to sixteenth-century Essex .
25 The protocol was performed in 16 rats from each dietary group that received indomethacin ( 5 mg/kg subcutaneously ) 30 minutes before the 100 µmol HCl pulse .
26 In six years she had never been able to cultivate that devil-may-care attitude that seemed to characterise the gentleman at the Feathers .
27 As I crouched in the slit trench in the semi-darkness I could hear the odd British shell that had been intended for the Germans but had dropped short in the orchard explode with a terrific roar close at hand , causing a shower of dirt to fall from the roof of the trench .
28 Nonetheless , the ULFA has the support of a fair chunk of the population and , more important , is in cahoots with the Asom Gana Parishad , the regional Assamese party that ruled the state till it was sacked last year .
29 Despite an awful muddy sound that renders much of Chuck 's vocal incoherent , ‘ Rebel ’ still sounds uniquely pugilistic — a crucial call to arms that never fails to move .
30 Despite an awful muddy sound that renders much of Chuck 's vocal incoherent , ‘ Rebel ’ still sounds uniquely pugilistic — a crucial call to arms that never fails to move .
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