Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun sg] [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 Why this large size evolved is something of a mystery : it may have been that larger gliders cruise at slower speeds without ‘ stalling ’ .
2 Since the conditions applied are almost certainly too restrictive ( the project may well have sustained somewhat more than four to five clients per week who would otherwise have been in an institution ) the total annual sum saved is almost certainly nearer £24,000 — £26,000 .
3 The second special case simulated is a married man , with a mortgage and some education qualifications , looking for skilled manual work .
4 The rich organic matter deposited is the origin of the numerous coal measures .
5 The romanized phonetic system employed is that suggested by Dr Rohan Harbottle , one of the members of the etymological team of the Seventh Research Fleet , without whose generous assistance this short list could never have been compiled .
6 The very young Aplysia has a nervous system consisting of relatively few neurons , while the period of onset of the capacity to show sensitization as a behavioural phenomenon matches that of a great increase in neuronal number ; yet if all that sensitization required was the facilitatory response in a set of three neurons of the network described earlier , it is hard to see why , by contrast with habituation , it should be dependent on such an increase in neuronal number .
7 It is also assumed that all complex carbohydrate malabsorbed are converted to H 2 with the same degree of rapidity as is the case with lactulose .
8 As with all aircraft which lack de-icing equipment , even for an instrument rated pilot all weather operations are just not practical throughout the year , although the very comprehensive package offered is an expensive way around this problem .
9 Where the only professional qualification held is that of an admitted solicitor in England and Wales , the presumption ( albeit rebuttable ) will be that the overseas practice is carried on as such .
10 One such example given is Polynesia , and the evidence depends on the fact that in Polynesian kinship terminology , only differences of generation and sex are recognized , so that all males of the generation directly preceding one 's own are referred to by one and the same word , which was glossed by Morgan as ‘ father ’ ; similarly , all females of this same generation are referred to one term , which can be glossed as ‘ mother ’ .
11 The only contemporary group featured are Arrested Development .
12 As the telephone was also wired to interface with the bugs , any sound in the suite was thereby automatically recorded , the only human intervention required being a periodic change of tape .
13 Like Top Level , Spinnaker obviously feels that importing data is n't that important for first-time users , so the only alternative format supported is comma-separated data .
14 Under this form of words , the only person who acquires any rights is A , the legatee , and the only legal relationship created is between him and the heir .
15 Protective clothing : the only protective item allowed is a Police ‘ Long Service and Good Conduct Medal ’ which should be worn in a prominent position so as to allow the Local Youth to identify old policemen who they do not like , from young policemen whom they like even less .
16 The only presidential proposal omitted was a $5,000 credit for first-time home buyers , which Congress had concluded was too costly .
17 The only red grape grown is Pinot Noir , which is responsible for all reds and rosés .
18 Countries whose changing financial structure examined are the US , Canada , UK , West Germany , Switzerland , France and Japan .
19 Climate was an obvious yet critical limitation on the way the farm was run , and the only other factor identified was the tenancy agreements .
20 The only special preparation needed is for euryalid species , the thickened skin covering the arm spines must be dissolved using bleach ( sodium hypochlorite ) or KOH .
21 In relation to conflicts of interest in financial conglomerates , it is important that any new regulation adopted is driven by recognition of the fact that the process of deregulation has altered the structure and operation of the UK financial markets .
22 ‘ Should the Manchester United game go out live , any local club affected are entitled to compensation . ’
23 Instead of £1 00,000 being the ceiling limit for tax relief purposes , the maximum final salary allowed is now £75,000 ( 1992/93 ) .
24 The main novel feature exploited is a two-level test of political business cycles with a popularity function and a policy function .
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