Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [be] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
2 The only way to bring figures like this alive is to be crude and personalize them .
3 A further three were to be built at the old carding mill at a gross rental of £10 per annum .
4 A local public good is to be provided in each locality and the cost is to be shared equally by residents .
5 If this latter is to be the ultimate model , with the student 's role being somewhere between that of a battery hen and a laboratory rat , then surely most teachers would wish to have no part in its evolution .
6 These were now reduced to 56 million , of which only 22 million was to be cut from unemployment benefits .
7 But the remaining 43 were to be elected by local and national politicians on a vocational basis : that is , they had to be elected to five panels for which they would qualify by having the requisite vocational expertise — administrative , cultural — educational , labour , industrial and commercial , and agricultural .
8 The remaining 63 are to be created at the Bo'ness sewing centre .
9 Although much of the dissent of 1855 and early 1856 was to be found in obscure memoranda written by one bureaucrat for another , manuscripts circulated by hand among the intelligentsia , and a journal which came out in faraway London , the Russian government also had reason to worry about dissent with a high public profile .
10 Several hundred thousand Spaniards and non-Spaniards had died on the battlefields of Spain between 1936 and 1939 ; at least 200,000 more were to be executed during the next few years , 2,000,000 would suffer imprisonment or forced labour , and millions more again faced a lifetime of discrimination for having fought on behalf of the Republic .
11 If the energies of these young are to be directed along constructive lines , the proposed new political formation is undoubtedly the best way to achieve it .
12 And if we 're offering you your passage home , you and the children , and help in finding your feet once you get there , and a good convent school for the girls , so that they can go straight on with the nuns and wo n't really notice any difference , well , all that 's to be regarded as a loan , which we 're very glad to offer you for an extended period , in the hopes of getting you back among caring people . "
13 All that is to be hoped is that individual fellows of the society will use this report to press , alongside others less privileged , for an openness , a democracy that hardly distinguishes the Royal Society itself .
14 ‘ You say we have as yet only heard the half — and the worse half of all that is to be told ?
15 All this is to be found even in the lower classes .
16 At the same time , the curriculum through which all this was to be achieved remained remarkably unexplored and neglected ; and in many respects this in itself was a comment on the nature of the reformers ' aims and aspirations .
17 A theoretical stress upon biblical study , an active laity , the reunion of Christians , and a positive commitment to the service of the world in its cultural , social and economic needs , coupled with an absence of guidance as to how all this was to be done and how far one could go in these various directions , led both to a state of real popular enthusiasm but also , almost inevitably , to tension and conflict .
18 All this was to be achieved by heading straight for Kuwait City and pinning down the Iraqis there ; and then by moving from the west in substantial force , enveloping and destroying Iraq 's elite reserve , the Republican Guard , with its T-72 tanks , described by French sources as ‘ the priority target .
19 But the establishment of the bloc system in the late 1940s was to be a sad end to visions of the New World — Western or Eastern — restoring the balance of the Old .
20 The first three students from our new training course took the Medau Teachers ' Examination on 23rd November 1985 and all three are to be congratulated for passing with ‘ flying colours ’ .
21 Many observers have argued that some form of planning is therefore essential if the optimum outcome for all concerned is to be achieved , but carefully administered recreational facilities in the countryside will not be sufficient on their own .
22 Is it really so difficult for a technologically innovative and ingenious society such as ours to support seventeen in every thousand , even if all seventeen were to be in need of continuous personal care ( as clearly they will not be ) ?
23 Firstly , the A sixty four is to be dualled , in the national road programme .
24 Very little information is given in the about the life of Fahreddin Acemi , and very little more is to be found in the other biographical sources .
25 ‘ I am extremely concerned this is to be based on the Government 's own estimate of how much each council should spend the Standard Spending Assessment .
26 As such , they need constant updating — especially if the perceived trend towards reduced pub-going is to be reversed .
27 Mr Deputy Speaker I have to confess to you it is a matter of some indifference to me as to how many M E Ps were elect elect to the European parliament , er if eighty one is to be the new magic number well so be it .
28 By 19 August , the Big Five had reluctantly agreed to economies of 79 million , of which nearly 50 million was to be met by cuts in unemployment benefits ; the remainder of the budget would be balanced by additional taxation .
29 By a process known as " redetermination of equities " , the interested parties agree that the proportion which their respective stakes bear to one another is to be reassessed after a certain period , or at periodic intervals .
30 In more ways than one 1979 was to be a momentous year for me .
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