Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Only when the plays enter stabilising textual form do they become available for the type of sophisticated analysis critics undertake .
2 But we can be sure of one thing : before the end of the century we will see the telephone metamorphose into the mobile audio-visual communications centre it has long had the potential to become .
3 It has been observed , for example , that British firms find it easier to persuade workers to accept redundancies but harder to obtain flexibility of working practices and job demarcations than do their French counterparts .
4 For what may be ‘ bossiness ’ in the home can turn out to be a valuable contribution of efficiency and ‘ drive ’ in a different setting , working with a team of strangers , where the usual social restraints keep it under reasonable control .
5 Yeah another thing that that old folk use I know that my granny used to say she 'll say she 'll turn things round she 'll say , I 'm having nothing with it to do , instead of , I 'm no having anything to do with it .
6 Will the right hon. Gentleman tell us now , in precise terms , what are the Government 's plans for making further increases in VAT ?
7 Will the right hon. Gentleman tell us what representations he has received from the employees and pensioners of the Maxwell Communication Corporation and AGB companies about the level of their pensions ?
8 Will the right hon. Gentleman join me once again in congratulating Mr. James Baker on the notable and indispensable part that he played in bringing about the Madrid conference ?
9 Many will welcome that sensible proposal , but can the right hon. Gentleman underline it with a categorical assurance that the Government have no intention of privatising water in Scotland either this side of an election or afterwards ?
10 Does the right hon. Gentleman think it right that under the Tory council tax every millionaire who lives alone will be entitled to a 25 per cent .
11 Why does not the right hon. Gentleman accept it ?
12 On the distribution of moneys , can the right hon. Gentleman assure me that resources for the health service will not be skewed towards the new NHS trusts as a bribe and a reward to those who took the bids ?
13 Will the right hon. Gentleman allow me to intervene ?
14 Will my right Hon. Friend tell me whether the Wales tourist board , or other agencies , will still be able to distribute grant as required to areas of Wales where development is still needed ?
15 Mr. Harris : Given the common problems faced by the tourist industry in Wales and the more remote parts of England such as Cornwall , will my right Hon. Friend tell me why on earth section 4 grants under the Development of Tourism Act 1969 are being suspended in England whereas , as he says , they are being tripled in Wales ?
16 Will my right hon. Friend tell me how best to reply to a constituent of mine who has recently completed a course of treatment at Broomfield hospital in Chelmsford and who tells me that the nurses and doctors were fantastic , that the treatment was magnificent and that he is fed up to the back teeth with the constant efforts of the Labour party to undermine and talk down the achievements of the health service ?
17 Will my right hon. Friend make it clear whether his answer , which displayed an understandable degree of elegant procrastination , will lead to the Government saying that the Yugoslav federation as we know it has no diplomatic future ?
18 Could my right hon. Friend make it clear that , during the passage of the Bill , he and his colleagues will have consultations with those who make representations to ensure that their worries about links between people with different claims and the causes of large-scale immigration are considered together ?
19 As the right hon. Member for Islwyn ( Mr. Kinnock ) and his Front-Bench team are so singularly ill-informed , why does not my right hon. Friend invite them to the Department for a teach-in , when they could be given the true facts and figures ?
20 Mr. Raffan : Will my right Hon. Friend join me in congratulating the miners at Point of Air in my constituency for their dramatically increased productivity since the miners ' strike ?
21 Will my right hon. Friend join me in welcoming the £24 billion programme for public housing over the next three years detailed by the Department of the Environment yesterday ?
22 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the chairman , trustees and staff of the Aintree national health service hospital trust on the establishment of a new £7 million project that will give it the largest accident and emergency unit in Europe ?
23 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the Secretary of State for Education and Science on devising tests for seven-year-olds which go back to the basics of reading , writing and arithmetic ?
24 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the courageous efforts of the European Community observers in Croatia ?
25 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating the Prime Minister on his initiative yesterday with President Mitterrand on the Soviet Union ?
26 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating Councillor Mrs. Lydia Simmons , the Labour chairman of the housing committee in Slough , on her appointment as a member of the board of the NHS trust for Wexham Park hospital in my constituency ?
27 Will my right hon. Friend join me in sending congratulations to a Yorkshire manufacturing company , Spring Ram plc , which at the end of the month will open two new factories in my constituency , creating 400 new jobs , which is at present building two new factories in Barnsley which will create 400 new jobs , and which has a plan to create 1,100 new jobs in Bradford over the next four years ?
28 Will my right hon. Friend join me in congratulating staff at the university of Kent and the two commercial pharmaceutical companies with whom the university is combining in a venture called ’ Viridian ’ , which is a programme of environmental biotechnology based entirely on bacteria that are naturally available ?
29 Will my right hon. Friend join me in condemning the supermarkets that have recently been opening on Sundays ?
30 On the eve of the first anniversary of the Gulf war , will my right hon. Friend join me in expressing our gratitude to our armed forces , our commitment to the independence of Kuwait and our determination to ensure that Saddam Hussein and his generals comply with all international sanctions or suffer the consequences ?
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