Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 More than 75 modified nucleosides have been isolated ( 1 ) .
2 ‘ If that unwritten law has been broken then heads will have to roll . ’
3 well that bloody bird 's been again !
4 That bloody bird has been annoying me for days . ’
5 Each path would be expanded in a depth-first , backtrack , depth-first , backtrack pattern until each possible combination had been extended over the poor patch .
6 The second hypothesis is that profitable entry has been deterred by the existence of barriers to entry which have arisen either as a result of actions by the incumbent public sector supplier or as a result of the technical characteristics of electricity supply .
7 According to Indian Army statistics , at least 1,100 Indian soldiers and 2,200 Tamil fighters had been killed in the 32 months of fighting since the IPKF 's July 1987 arrival ; other estimates put the losses higher , and there had been an unknown number of civilian casualties .
8 A network of eight regional sites has been set up to provide long term monitoring of environmental change and its impact on the ecology of the UK .
9 A complete solid solution has been found between baryte and hashemite .
10 Bowel scintigraphy using Indium-111 labelled leucocytes has been applied to the assessment of disease extent and activity in Crohn 's disease .
11 Measurement of faecal excretion of Indium-111 labelled leucocytes has been used to assess disease activity and has been shown to effectively distinguish active from quiescent Crohn 's disease and to correlate with other clinical and laboratory activity indices .
12 The first European Indoor Games had been held in Dortmund twenty years earlier and
13 At Huddersfield , a strong reserve force had been a vital factor in the Championship run , and Chapman soon set about building a similar force at Arsenal .
14 If only that bloody dry cleaner had been as inefficient as most of them usually were .
15 But the great legal matters of that historic injustice have been settled .
16 I had thought that the ghastly images of that awful day had been burned forever in the minds of anyone who saw them .
17 Once again deaf people proved a good risk , as is shown by the 1933 Annual Report , which records that " during the past two years over fifty deaf men have been insured for motoring risks .
18 ‘ Twenty thousand civilians , including 1,000 wounded , 2,000 invalids , about 3,000 children , 500 pregnant women have been under incessant shelling for 36 days , ’ said the appeal .
19 After the usual cost-trimming exercises have been accomplished the only thing left to do is to sell off some of the most profitable parts to raise cash .
20 In their December nineteen forty one issue of Home and Country magazine , the Institute reported that two thousand six hundred and fifty preserving centres had been opened .
21 At the beginning it appeared as if those who wanted to flog Europe for being an inadequate political animal were going to win , that political union had been put off still further …
22 The United Somali Congress ( USC ) , which drew its support from the Hawiye clan of central Somalia , launched an offensive in late December , while the largest rebel group , the northern-based Somali National Movement ( SNM ) , dismissed as " futile " a government announcement on Dec. 26 that political parties had been legalized with immediate effect .
23 Although their significance as regional political institutions has been undermined — in the case of water authorities by proposals for privatization and in the case of health authorities by a series of financial and managerial initiatives which have encouraged a shift towards private sector ( market-type ) decision-making ( Pollitt , Harrison , Hunter and Marnoch , 1988 ) — there has been a growth in regional state institutions in other policy areas .
24 Over the last few years the number of public television groups within the PBAA has grown steadily , and extensive technical expertise has been developed as more than twenty test broadcasts across Australia have taken place .
25 To our knowledge , only two cases of possible CMV retinitis have been reported in non-immunocompromised hosts .
26 By May 25 a total of eight political parties had been recognized , while the following day , 16 of the country 's 21 political parties ( recognized and unrecognized ) were reported to have combined to form the National Co-ordination of the Opposition ( CNO ) .
27 In this short book it is not , of course , intended to provide a complete treatment of these themes , and readers more experienced in the subject will be aware that little space has been given , for example , to the potential of documentary sources or modern methods of study using computers and advanced statistical methods .
28 Published in the comprehensive Oakwood style with maps , illustrations and well laid-out statistical tables this book represents excellent value given that little attention has been lavished on NBR affairs .
29 He also claims that it is desirable to think ‘ intuitively ’ and not by logical steps , but again logic is the exception not the rule in human thought and all the greatest scientific discoveries have been made by the use of informed intuition , Ornstein believes that the right hemisphere is underdeveloped in Western man and the spiritual growth depends on expanding its activities .
30 The invading Iraqi forces had been accompanied by mukhabarat ( military intelligence ) officers who immediately began rounding up Iraqi opposition exiles in Kuwait City .
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