Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] out of the " in BNC.

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1 ( e ) Limited contracting-out It may still be possible to contract out of the implied obligations owed under supply contracts .
2 He was staring at the glove box now , he was too low to see out of the window .
3 That goes out of the window when you become an outlaw .
4 In the course of the journey one of them , an RAF pilot , had been shot dead trying to jump out of the train in an attempt to reach an Italian fighter plane on an airfield and fly it to Yugoslavia .
5 It 's an insult to feminism and I 'd like to know how much that cost out of the rates .
6 It is here that psychoanalysis has had its most popular appeal , seeming to explain why some obsessionals continually need to wash their hands , or why some children are desperately afraid of horses or dogs , or why some people are afraid to go out of the house .
7 The ANC 's first warning that it was prepared to pull out of the CODESA talks came on June 21 , when the organization 's president , Nelson Mandela , declared that the negotiations process was " in tatters " .
8 And thinking of her gynaecologist , surely such a step could not be taken without his sanction and the idea of asking for this seemed out of the question .
9 George Tinsley , of the Tap and Barrel 's owners the North Yorkshire Brewing Company , said : ‘ This came out of the blue , it was a total surprise . ’
10 We need to do this to clear out of the way , before we go any further into the study of social policy , a most misleading and widespread false assumption about the character of our subject .
11 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
12 A log rolled and half fell out of the grate , making Robyn jump suddenly .
13 Careful to stay out of the way .
14 Whatever their riders might desire , those English mounts broke , reared , panicked , cannoned into one another to get out of the way , and doing so caused utter confusion and collapse amongst the enemy .
15 Nomes had to scramble over one another to get out of the way when one of the floorboards in the manager 's office was pulled up .
16 A woman of about 30 lurched out of the Post Office in front of us and staggered down the road a few steps before falling — her exposed thighs and palms making a sickening ‘ slap-smack ’ sound on the pavement .
17 Its precise effect on the allocation of investment resources would depend on the detailed working out of the disciplines , and the Treasury certainly took no chances on a complete return to the free market in investment capital .
18 If one makes the more realistic assumption that the GDP growth rate would fall from 3 per cent to nearly zero over this decade then the figure of 4.5 million unemployed comes out of the Cambridge computer .
19 The presidential year does cost the individual money ; if it is decided that one 's partner goes to dinners then this comes out of the individual 's pocket and is not subsidised , at least in my case , by anyone else , and it is entirely a matter of personal choice as to how this part of the arrangements is made .
20 As far as coverage is concerned , this comes out of the definition of the target group and the media available to reach it .
21 So far as is known , nothing definite came out of the meeting between Castro and Khrushchev in New York in late October 1960 , despite all the drama attached to the Soviet head of state 's seeking out the Cuban leader at his hotel in Harlem .
22 That came out of the Current Issues in Agricultural Economics book .
23 Cos that came out of the old one
24 Current trainer John Hyland is keen on the dog taking his chance in the St Leger after Shy bowed out of the Irish
25 From Langnau , road No 10 climbs out of the Ilfis and Emme valleys and in 21km ( 13 miles ) reaches Worb , a town of 11,000 inhabitants .
26 The next morning , the 9.15 came out of the tunnel and the old gentleman put down his newspaper , ready to wave at the three children .
27 A professional career as such seemed out of the question ; his only ambition in life was to be an artist .
28 The bowyer came out of the back of the shop , the bow case which he had been selecting in his hands .
29 He said Sabine rushed out of the study , saying she was not going to wait on the boat any longer .
30 Before the company begins to move on its new goodies , it has Open Interface version 2.1 to get out of the door .
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