Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] was the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , he was recruited to the discipline by what some insisted was the arsy-versy way .
2 Such a theme was , and still is , at the centre of debate throughout all Western societies , but what was really surprising for the Japanese to read was the clear attribution , from a Westerner , that a limited state role was one of the most important reasons why Japanese was destined to be the ‘ Number One ’ .
3 Here for all to see was the great lesson of World War I : the machine-gun made direct attack too costly even to contemplate .
4 Among those killed was the prominent politician Sylvio Claude , leader of the Christian Democratic Party ( PDCH ) and consistent critic of Aristide , who was murdered in an apparent backlash by government supporters in the coastal town of Les Cayes , 160 km south-west of Port-au-Prince .
5 In chronological order , the first to appear was the fenced fin , on which horizontal fences around the foil aimed to prevent the offending air bubbles from working down the fin .
6 One feature of life in the 1980s that the crisis did little to alter was the precarious existence of members of the upper reaches of the Iraqi system .
7 More difficult to swallow was the murky medievalism pervading Milan 's Prada , celebrated originator of the fashion cognoscenti 's favourite nylon handbag .
8 A 44th minute goalmouth melee in which Colin Allister and Norman McGladdery were both denied was the nearest Bann came to giving themselves a glimmer of hope .
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