Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 That represents the publication of that infamous picture showing Johnny Bryan sitting by a poolside kissing Fergie 's toes .
2 So extensive became the control of the catholic sector , both primary and secondary , that priests had extensive powers of dismissal over the teachers until the end of the nineteenth century .
3 Fullness of joy comes from entering into fellowship with the Father and the Son , through the Holy Spirit , each enjoying the company of the other .
4 However , if it is thought that the joint tenancy might be severed ( and there might be good matrimonial or tax planning reasons for this ) it is preferable to include the enlargement of powers as in Precedent 34 for otherwise the trustees of the conveyance may not have power to mortgage or charge the property ( see Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 , s8 ) .
5 It was interesting to note that given the diversity of political opinions that such a strong consensus could exist around the issue of government economic initiatives for the area .
6 Yet it seems strange to me that given the possibility of professional marketing for such an encounter , rugby is missing an opportunity to make its case outwith its heartland .
7 All I would claim is that given the existence of this phenomenon of extensive , very long-term memory of the campaigns of successful brands , the onus is on the mathematicians to disprove the existence of any long-term effect : the fact that they can not find such an effect , with the somewhat rudimentary apparatus at their disposal , is not enough .
8 " There was something I forgot to mention to you earlier , " said the Padre , who did not normally favour such a blunt approach but felt that given the state of his health there might not be any time to lose …
9 Indeed , many observers would argue that given the growth of cabinet government , the potential for government to seek and receive such powers is significantly greater now than was the case at the time when Dicey was writing .
10 ( Common sense reminds us that given the distribution of women in employment in Edinburgh , most of the mothers probably were or had been employed in some form of domestic service or in the clothing industry ; but in what proportions ? )
11 Will that cover the cost of the seat ?
12 Because a detailed record of economic activity statuses was collected by the After Redundancy study , it was possible to compare the proportion of time spent by each person since being made redundant in different forms of employment status .
13 Rather , if such industrial policy is to be attempted , it seems preferable to diagnose the cause of the market failure and provide a generalized incentive which market decision-makers then take into account when undertaking their professional analysis .
14 But then , as we shall see , it may become possible to rationalize the kind of collusive behaviour which is simply not contemplated in the standard models .
15 Well I was trying to stick with the size as an expression of whether the concept is one that should be pursued , and whether that influences the pursuing of the concept , can we can we leave the , the number of settlements till , till later on ?
16 Over the last twenty years or so , one of the things that 's slipped has been those kind of things and I believe and Peter may disagree with me , but a lot of the have been because of the commercial fact that the thing that is now driving the newspapers more than anything else is , is the advertising and advertising revenues and that drives the style of newspapers and stories that are written .
17 I believe that you have to be tall to wear the kind of outfits that I do .
18 Though that recommended the appointment of safety representatives from among workforces on rigs and platforms , Prof MacFarlane said that , unlike Norway , UK safety representatives had no legal status and rights to stop unsafe work .
19 There is another way of achieving the same ends but with your favourite programs as opposed to those from a single publisher , and that involves the use of a ‘ manager ’ such as Caxton 's Memory Shift which lets , say , Wordstar , dBase and Multiplan , all co-exist in RAM .
20 This boycott had begun on Jan. 18 after an altercation between an employee of one of the shops and a Haitian woman customer , which had resulted in each accusing the other of assault and racial insults .
21 If it is assumed that the Earth 's magnetic field was of this form in the past , then it is possible to estimate the position of the magnetic pole for rocks of known ages ( dated by radiometric methods ) by measuring their palaeomagnetism .
22 Assuming that the proportion of visits done in the sample between 2300 and 0700 can be applied to the whole of Berkshire , it becomes possible to estimate the number of night visits which would have been claimable by using the definition of a night visit which applied before April 1990 .
23 Both the James Committee in 1976 and the Criminal Law Revision Committee in 1980 recommended the abolition of the offence of causing death by reckless driving , thereby accepting the ‘ illogicality ’ argument .
24 A more general treatment in which path lengths and directions may take any values is possible using the method of Markoff .
25 As the depression began to affect West Coast loadings it soon became clear that it was no longer possible to sustain the level of service provided in the 1974 Glasgow electric timetable .
26 Conservative candidate Graham Robb says his party is right to promise the sale of Teesside Airport .
27 Both optimism and pessimism are highly infectious so it is possible to affect the mood of an entire group — just as throwing a stone into the water causes ripples to spread far and wide .
28 All of the Spectrum keys are used by the program , most with two functions , a fact that is fairly strange given the presence of the menu panel on the tablet .
29 and vote for the parties that excludes them , but that mean the sort of thing he he does n't make much of that .
30 Pinch out the tip of the main shoot when 8–12in tall to promote the formation of side shoots .
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