Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] that [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I am prepared to accept that anyone who knows me may dislike me , but when someone who can not dislike me because they do n't know me , attacks me , I collapse inside , I lose eloquence , I get frightened , sometimes I cry .
2 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
3 Does not that confirm that what we really need is a continuation of my right hon. Friend 's policies , not a regional assembly for Wales , which would be an unnecessary quango that would cost the people of Wales £1 million a week ?
4 The jury , however , does not ask whether the accused believed he was acting with the relevant state of mind , but under the Theft Acts as well as offences of fraud the jury must acquit if the accused believed that what he did was not dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people .
5 No , it 's too easy to forget that something which I hardly ever think about now was then a very great concern .
6 It 's all too easy to think that whatever we do here in Britain ca n't possibly have any effect on people in countries thousands of miles away .
7 It is impossible to guarantee that anyone you invited will turn up , so you could try to guard against wasting your time and money by sending courtesy cars to pick up the more important people .
8 For one thing , he found it hard to accept that anyone who lacked the advantage of being American could pose much of a threat , and for another , he needed every scrap of material he could get from any quarter , even the newspapers , to sustain the nonstop barrage of reports he was firing into headquarters .
9 So that Clara , although she found it hard to believe that she herself was thus chosen , had no alternative to believing it .
10 It 's also hard to believe that someone who would use a lap-top computer would forget where he left it . ’
11 It is important for us all to remember that everyone who shared in the meeting did so out of good conscience and with a genuine desire to find God 's will for us .
12 We all know that what he terms his ’ meandering ’ round private Bills has been responsible for a good deal of heartache and not a little management time in British Rail spent trying to meet some of his objections .
13 She was n't worried about her wardrobe in comparison to me having landed on the on the road , which I thought was extremely good considering that she I 'd just demolished a nice piece of her f er a piece of her furniture .
14 On the reduced T V licence fees well I think we all recognize that everybody who 's unemployed is n't living in the lap of luxury drinking ten double whiskies a day hitting the racecourses with a top hat and tail on the only pleasure , especially people who 've got young children to bring up is the television and such is the price of the licence nowadays that in order to sustain that other things in the family are going short .
15 It is important to remember that whatever you are producing it is the client who pays .
16 A person who was prosecuted for organising a public assembly contrary to section 14(4) or for taking part in such a gathering or inciting another to do so , would be able to argue that what he was involved in was not an unlawful assembly within the definition .
17 He is able to say that what he believes is true , and behind such a statement he has sure and sufficient reasons of which he is fully persuaded .
18 Now I would be the first to admit that I I 'm not a judge as accountant , I 'm an insurance broker er and erm I do n't understand er and I 'm not aware of all of the rules and regulations that affect accountants er and affect the way audits are carried out , b but I must say I was a bit surprised t to hear during the debate , er that that was really what the problem was , the problem with B C C I was this conflict of interest , that fraud was known and it was not declared er and er I think that these er these regulations should now make that considerably er more clear .
19 We do n't ever REVIEW beta test software — there 's just too much that can change between us seeing early versions and the code being finalised , and that means that what you see reviewed might not be what you will buy .
20 I find it I find I must say I find it difficult to understand why you find it difficult to understand that they they chose that particular route .
21 Moreover , it is difficult to believe that anyone who can be as dull as Hoccleve can , when using literary conventions , could suddenly become as lively as he does by merely adopting a new one : the ‘ autobiographical ’ convention .
22 This exclusion of higher education from consideration by sociologists of education must in part be due to the fact that higher education is not compulsory ; it is perhaps difficult to argue that something which is a matter of choice can in any sense be repressive .
23 And finally just in terms of er public transport , I think it 's fair to say that there there 's probably little in it between them all because they 're all very poorly served by public transport .
24 The second thing to note is that to say that someone who says ‘ I hope ’ — for example , ‘ I hope you 'll come ’ — is simply expressing his mental state is to ignore the role of such utterances in human intercourse .
25 To some extent , it is also intuitively satisfying to suggest that what one is talking about always comes before what one has to say about it .
26 It would be more correct to say that something which was used as the target has changed , for the " target " is a subjective designation and does not change until management decides to change it .
27 And it had , it 'd be true to say that whatever you read in your newspapers er , while we were in Canberra , I would advise you not to believe half of it !
28 I was merely surprised to note that someone who professes to take such a high moral stance should be cavorting freely with a married woman .
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