Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] it [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And so when you 're pushing pressing on that squashing it and making it flow into sheets the pulling on it and seeing whether it will stretch or whether it .
2 It maybe still the same now , erm because right up to the time I erm retired we , we had on occasions to pay for the residual value of a tyre , perhaps a bus had been in accident and the tyre had suffered damage which it was n't possible to repair it or retread it , perhaps a hole had been pierced through the wall , they scrapped that tyre and we had to pay for the residual value , mind you being in accident we could then claim it off the insurance company but , so right up to the time I retired that 's how tyres were paid for .
3 When John Bull , the great musician , asked for the reversion to the lease of Radnor Forest , the officer in attendance noted that the Queen was disposed to grant it but wanted more information first .
4 Again , however , once it seemed that the EDC had the support of the Six , Britain was willing to accept it and work with it .
5 Between it and Delta is another open cluster , M103 , but it is very poor and sparse , and it is hard to understand why Messier listed it and omitted NGC 663 .
6 This formal writing-up took nearly twenty years : it is one thing to collect data , and another to evaluate it and make it into public knowledge .
7 and the hand does n't sneak out afterwards and starts popping out and then it 's useless , then the rest of all this stuff you just get it out of the way under the arm , it 's all gone , right , this bit comes up between the two shoulder blades , do n't make the mistake of bringing it across there , a lot of people do that , that wo n't do , you have to come round the back and between these two shoulder blades to get maximum support , you 've got to hold this elbow up and then you tie it near the hand , now I recommend that you tie it and talk to your casualty , half tie it and say is that supporting you enough ?
8 So I 've done all this , I 'm quite a handyman in the house , so we talked about it at the cen at the centre here and we actually asked another guy to do it , who 's erm sixty odd and he comes in here everyday er and he was willing to start it or to run it .
9 First , lay a soft fibreboard over the floor , with flooring grade chipboard or plywood on top to protect it and prevent furniture damaging it .
10 Eddie wanted Angy to end it but said that she was too soft-hearted . ’
11 When ice cream was offered her , a marvellous thing like a fairy castle , she was afraid to touch it and shook her head .
12 Some conceal it and hide behind the fence of balance and objectivity but Hampden Babylon wears its attitude as a badge .
13 This softens it and makes it much easier to work .
14 Some see it and have sound explanations , like one Magar lady in rural west central Nepal who gave a ten-minute lecture to me on the problems of the transference of fertility from forest to arable land , and changing uses of crop residues with increasing population pressure , that would have stood up well in a graduate seminar .
15 But these rooms were much altered between 1865 and 1868 in a neo-Rococo style that was intended to blend with the 18C Rococo designs of Pacassi for the proposed coronation of Emperor Franz Josef I. In the end the emperor refused the crown of Bohemia deeming it too dangerous to accept it and upset the Hungarians .
16 But I am mindful in the midst of my own troubles ma'am that you are not in good health for Miss Blagden has told me so and I am sorry to hear it and to think of you unable to leave your room and I am sorry too that the Rome winter does not prove as gentle as you had hoped .
17 He was glad to publish it and paid Mrs Jacques an extra $5. that week .
18 And we were all enjoying it and looking forward to going to see this big ships and whatnot .
19 The logical re-use of existing services has led to the retention of the overly utilitarian postwar outshot when it would have been better to demolish it and to restore the four-square appearance of the pre-war building .
20 They all heard it and froze , listening .
21 If you have already developed osteoporosis , they may be able to treat it or refer you to a specialist .
22 If you have already developed osteoporosis , they may be able to treat it or refer you to a specialist .
23 A trust has now been able to acquire it and take the first steps towards long-term restoration .
24 In this sense , the play focussed on one of the key issues concerning mental handicap ; whether , if faced with life with a handicapped child , parents will be able to accept it and cope .
25 He will not be able to edit it or to introduce pauses to allow for comprehension ; nor will he have been able to prepare practice exercises ( oral or written ) based on the broadcast .
26 They 're unable to do it and shivering is a body reaction to being cold to make you warm up because it 's rapid movement and babies ca n't do that , this is n't very clear , hang on that better ?
27 I 'm I 'm not entirely convinced that we have enough control over the existing county schools , never mind , never mind whether we 'd be able to retain it or increase it .
28 But being in Durban , far from the turmoil over the book 's publication , he had been able to read it and ponder .
29 Erm , I take the view that we ought to try and make the existing arrangements work and we are fast approaching a very key point er in that process erm I understand that on Thursday , er securities and investments board , the board will consider the er P I A , proposed P I A prospectus and that er within a week or so we shall all be able to read it and to look at it erm and the key point , which really is arises out of what we 're discussing tonight , the key point is what regulatory framework should the P I A place on intermediaries and on er life assurance companies , pension funds , financial advisors generally er in order to ensure that the public interest is protected and that if there are potential frauds erm such as the Levitt case er that we talked about earlier and I think the honourable member in sort of by implication in terms of er community service , er punishments that he referred to , er had also that in mind , er just what should we do to ensure that if there is malpractice and fraud , it 's picked up very , very quickly .
30 Chest seems to be full of mucus , if only they could cough a little deeper they feel they would be able to shift it and get it up .
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