Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] be the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 This has been the second most successful method of recruitment ; x new members were recruited by Head Office in 1992 .
2 This has been the second most successful method of recruitment .
3 The Lemonheads have been touring for about three months , first in America and now in Europe , and this has been the first real glitch they 've encountered .
4 There was no way of being certain how long she 'd spent on the ward ; it might have been six weeks or six years , but she was guessing at six months because this had been the first commission review that she 'd received .
5 The number of deaths attributable to political violence since 1984 , according to the South African Institute of Race Relations ( SAIRR ) , had totalled 11,910. 1991 had been the second worst year since 1984 , but the figure of 2,672 for the year was 28 per cent down on 1990 .
6 I consider myself highly privileged to have been the first Minister for consumer protection in a completely independent consumer protection Department .
7 These had been the last words that had passed between them .
8 I 'm just you 're just making me think actually because I saw in one of the papers this morning erm a headline , if I can find it , it said something to the effect that — yes here it is , in the Independent , it says ‘ TV soaps are first to survive rescheduling ’ and it goes on to tell us that the British television schedules as we all know were the first casualties of war in the Gulf except for the nation 's daily diet of Australian soap .
9 ‘ I am proud to have been the first British actor to play the American rock hero in his own homeland .
10 Compaq Computer Corp says that the restructuring of its field and reseller support operations in the US to increase interaction with its broadened customer base and provide enhanced support to its resellers ( CI No 2,148 ) , will cost about 150 field employees their jobs , but the loss will be partially offset by an as-yet-undetermined number of employees to be hired at the company 's Houston headquarters as part of the reorganisation ; the 150 to go are the last of the 1,000 jobs that it said it planned to cut in October .
11 Countries where prices have tumbled like our own have been the first to benefit from the spark in the market .
12 That had been the first news this night had brought the Duke — that Napoleon 's army had branched off the Brussels road to drive the Prussians eastwards away from the British .
13 That had been the first of many occasions when a baby in her care collapsed suddenly and surprisingly , said Mr Goldring .
14 Xerox Corp 's Xerox Engineering Systems in Rochester , New York has come out with the Xerox 8812 plotter , which Adobe Systems Inc says is the first computer-aided design desktop output device equipped with PostScript : the 400dpi 8812 can be used as a laser plotter for engineering and architectural renderings , and as a PostScript Level 2 desktop printer for documents that combine CAD drawings , text and graphics ; it is bundled with 51 resident Type 1 fonts , Adobe Type Manager font scaling software , and print drivers that support both Macintosh and Windows systems ; it costs $7,000 with the PostScript software and with one paper tray .
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