Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [conj] will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The old and lonely are very vulnerable , and if you have sounded detached , preoccupied , or hurried during the conversation they can easily feel hurt and rejected ; and that hurt can be like an emotional graze that will remain painful until you are able to see them again and heal it .
2 He is referring to the fact that people are prepared to compromise and will accept half-measures .
3 This Christmas cracker is fun and easy to make and will look great as a Christmas tree decoration or as a gift for a friend .
4 But for convenience we all use and will continue to use the term .
5 They are not very difficult to feed and will eat a wide range of commercially prepared foods , including flake , although the odd offering of live food will be greatly appreciated .
6 A solid-fuel boiler , whether a separate boiler , an Aga-type cooker/ hot water boiler or a back boiler , is the most difficult to control and will heat the water to some extent all the time that the fire is lit .
7 In Jerusalem , a foreign ministry spokesman said : ‘ One of our basic principles is that Israel will not agree to any move that will bring direct or indirect contact with the PLO . ’
8 This may seem like a backward step but for those users who only have a computer system and printer this program is ideal for completing any form that will fit in your printer .
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