Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That made her a good decade younger than he was , but she looked it .
2 That made him the perfect fling .
3 That made it a perfect victim for the advance loans ' fraud .
4 Does n't that make it a different computer ?
5 There was little to indicate what a busy area this was to become , with buoyed channels for the large tankers , and the storage tanks and quays of Sullom Voe tucked away neatly out of sight amongst the low hills .
6 ‘ Until we 've got stable testing , that worries me a great deal . ’
7 This proposition was also rejected by the revolutionary junta in Madrid , who were therefore obliged to continue their efforts to find someone willing to wear what the English Foreign Minister had described as ‘ that crown of thorns ’ .
8 An extraordinarily high proportion of Milton scholars have chosen to disregard these truths about their subject , and have decided that because Milton was on the side of the regicides this made him a revolutionary and , because a revolutionary , therefore a man of the Left , perhaps even an agonized Maminst , or at least a sympathizer with the Diggers and Levellers of his own day .
9 This made him the intellectual heir of John Hunter , whose Essays and Observations he published with due filial piety in 1861 .
10 This made him the ideal choice to fly this naval fighter .
11 Some would say this made him the ideal publisher of a newspaper .
12 This made him an acceptable candidate as protector and , once he held that office , helped to ensure that he could call on the backing of the Yorkist establishment .
13 This made him an acceptable candidate as protector and , once he held that office , helped to ensure that he could call on the backing of the Yorkist establishment .
14 This made it a no-go area for the Hong Kong police and it developed into a warren of opium dens and criminal hideouts .
15 This made it an easy room to clean , no one would want to come in while she was working .
16 Peter Davis , Reed 's chief executive , said : ‘ This offers us a unique opportunity to expand our subscription-based information publishing for the legal market , which we know well and where we are under-represented in the US . ’
17 Again , the Germans did better , 22% being prepared to trust them a great deal .
18 In some circumstances , a commercial party may be able to invoke doctrines such as economic duress , that an oppressive term was introduced into a contract without adequate notification , or that another owes it a fiduciary duty .
19 I am sure that the House would be interested to know what the Labour party 's industrial policy is for the motor industry .
20 Does n't this give you a little glow ?
21 This buys them an extra round while Thadeus hesitates , in which time they must come up with something more to prevent him from attacking after this initial hesitation .
22 I am interested to hear what the hon. Gentleman has to say .
23 It was interesting to hear what the hon. Member for Croydon , North-West ( Mr. Malins ) said about the need for deliberation and careful consideration of the issues which come before us .
24 Ever a man for taking the particular to exhibit the general , this allowed him a global crack at the Scots : he claimed that they were not interested in doing anything unless it had natural awkwardness in it : ‘ What can not be done without some uncommon trouble or particular expedient , will not often be done at all .
25 In practice it should be easier to do it the standard way
26 He was not free to give her the untrammelled life that she deserved .
27 ‘ You can ask , but I might not be free to give you a truthful answer . ’
28 It was you said how it was wrong to waste what the Good Lord provides us for nothing , only to throw away hard-earned cash at the Superstore buying second best .
29 Will they be prepared to give you a regular budget ? eg £100 per library per year
30 Here again your reader , wanting to read the sort of book you are writing , will be prepared to give you a certain amount of latitude .
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