Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [pron] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 The distinguished personage known as the Coroner 's Serjeant ( with a ‘ j ’ ) had been willing to sacrifice what he could of his time if the interests of Justice ( capital ‘ J ’ ) were really being served .
2 This told me I could have a flight to America , if I was quick , a copy of Flight Stimulator too !
3 With this came what you could unfairly call the sting .
4 J.D. had told Sally-Anne Tunstall that if it was inconvenient to visit him she could always post her column to him ; he had seen her growing more and more responsible as the weeks went by , and he was no longer so worried about her safety .
5 If the Opposition could facilitate a change in the law — it would be widely welcomed , as is clear from what has been said in the debate tonight — I am sure that my right hon. and hon. Friends would be willing to do what they could to assist .
6 If all of these subjects were studied at school in a ‘ generalist ’ manner , links being forged between one and another , then philosophy itself would greatly benefit , undergraduates at university would be the more ready to study it , and ultimately teachers at school would be better prepared to take what they could from philosophy , and apply it throughout the curriculum .
7 Once in the flat , with Brian having departed promising to see what he could do about an early appointment with Dr Shalcross , she tried to tell herself that she was feeling better , that this break was all she needed , that coming to London was the answer to any temporary difficulty .
8 Although it was a great coup for the KGB , once the pair got to Moscow it is hard to see what they could have told the Russians that was not already known or made any great difference to East-West relations .
9 Returning to Cyprus on 16 February , Coleman engineered another meeting with Hurley and told him Condor would be glad to do what it could to help .
10 I was glad to do what I could for my friend , the only survivor of the Praça days .
11 People were curious to see what I could do .
12 It was a hard act to follow , but the poor did what they could to provide respectable funerals for their dead .
13 But she was unable to see what she could do about it .
14 Nevertheless , no writer , however self-sufficient , writes without a thought of an audience , and Tolkien was happy to discover anyone who could appreciate what he was up to .
15 Something permanent had clearly been created in Virginia and , shortly after coming to the throne in 1625 , Charles I did what he could to stabilize the situation by declaring it a royal colony and taking into his own hands the power to appoint the governor .
16 One wonders what they could do with five loaves and two fishes …
17 When I first saw him I could n't believe my eyes — he was dressed from head to toe in khaki .
18 She says after each of these cases people say you should do something but it 's very difficult to see what you could do .
19 For audiences at the Liverpool Playhouse it is difficult to imagine anyone who could portray the bored middle-aged housewife so well .
20 You can process the musical history of the Eighties into any format you like-you could call it the decade of Dance , or of Conscience Rock , or of World Music .
21 One look at the intricate pattern was enough to tell her she could follow it with no trouble at all .
22 That left nobody who could run anything .
23 And , indeed , she was more than anxious to do what she could to help look after the twins .
24 By his continual switching from one level of style to another , and his equally continual use of characters as ‘ internal reflectors ’ of embarrassment or suspicion , Tolkien showed at least that he was aware of that very predictable mistake , and ready to do what he could to help his readers round it .
25 I was almost ready to tell him I could n't face Quigley on my own .
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