Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Judge Simon Evans was due to pass sentence on Elizabeth Marsh last Tuesday at London 's Isleworth Crown Court .
2 The company is due to meet analysts on Friday .
3 By the 1740s the Moghul central government had grown too weak to impose peace on Europeans , in the 1750s the British and the French took an important role in struggles among Indians , and by 1763 the British had made themselves rulers of one of the most important regions of India , though they had not yet worked out a legal form to express the new reality in India .
4 This involves work on product line extensions , such as on new grades , and on process improvement .
5 This involves research on farming practice in the north east of England which will supplement existing work by the author on East Anglia .
6 Most researchers start from the assumption that it is morally wrong to conduct research on people who do not know that they are being studied , and will therefore tell them at least that they are writing a book , even if they are not wholly frank about what the book is going to be about .
7 Some provide material on disk , which is a great help as it saves having to retype or scan the text .
8 Trial conduct : Supplier 's staff should be prepared to accept restrictions on access during the trial to prevent distortion and for planned visits to be controlled to cover specific aspects previously agreed .
9 This contains chapters on fertility , the family , divorce , old age , education , housing , internal migration and ethnic minorities , as well as a chapter stressing the significance and implications of population change for planning and policy-making .
10 By and large , it appears that building societies and other financial ‘ gatekeepers ’ are willing to advance money on houses built to NHBC standards , although this may exclude ‘ shell ’ homes .
11 Unemployment is one indicator of underlying economic problems , and how a state chooses to deal with a crisis will have important implications for its social policies in general , and of course this includes policies on imprisonment .
12 This includes instruction on reservations , sales ledger , guest accounting , guest history and two days of ‘ live ’ cover .
13 This includes advice on management , financial management , new technology , legal , personnel and other issues .
14 Part 2 includes information on progression and articulation .
15 21–7 " Letters were read from the secretary and convener of the Praise Committee of the Church with regard to a grant for assisting the congregation to secure an instrument to be used in congregational praise , from which it appears that the Committee were prepared to give £10 on condition that the instrument would be introduced in connection with public worship , and that the congregation contributed a suitable proportion of the cost . "
16 While she may have been forced to permit some seepage of sovereignty to imperial institutions on some issues , she was never prepared to give ground on things that really mattered as , in the same way , Germany is not prepared to give ground on monetary union .
17 Corporate advisory services : Banks are prepared to give advice on mergers , acquisitions or raising new finance .
18 Because English law has nowhere declared the principle as a fundamental one , rather than a mere residual one ( as in Woolmington ) , legislators have felt free to heap burdens on defendants , the Public Order Act 1986 being a prime example in recent times ( see [ 1987 ] Crim.L.R. 153 ) .
19 John and Polly take great pleasure in making Wellfield House seem like home to their guests and are more than willing to give advice on sight-seeing , walks etc .
20 Most of the parents , however , had come intending to talk about their boys , either out of a genuine or an assumed interest in them ; and few of them were prepared to waste time on Onyx when there were real teachers on whom to vent their parental concern .
21 This prompted Gorbachev on May 27 to make a televised address to the country to try to calm fears about the market reform plan and to appeal for support .
22 I am prepared to send instructions on peppermint cracking , with diagrams , if asked .
23 ‘ We are not prepared to send volunteers on missions only to be scooped at checkpoints .
24 The EC leaders had confirmed that the EC was prepared to start talks on Yugoslavia 's associate membership of the EC as soon as the constitutional crisis was resolved .
25 This included articles on Nigeria by former tutor-organiser Robin Hallett , on Kenya by current tutor-organiser John Smith , on West Germany by Anna Multhampt of Cambridge branch and on Russia by Irene Baczkowske of Long Stratton ; publication coincided with a series of single lectures arranged by the Federation on trouble-spots around the world , such as Cyprus , Jordan and Algeria .
26 This included work on LSD ( later known as ‘ acid ’ , the hippy drug ) , which Neubauer found surprisingly efficacious in certain treatments .
27 The first conference of the Mongolian Association of Unemployed took place on Aug. 9 .
28 The first Homebase opening of 1993 took place on St George 's day and the first customers received an appropriate welcome with gifts of English red roses and St George 's flags .
29 Of course all of this took place on St Helena , when one cynically feels that the British would rather get rid of Napoleon .
30 Waste incineration and oil recycling plants have been offered free to Polish companies on condition that they accept all shipments and keep all waste .
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