Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [that] for the " in BNC.

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1 All this meant that for the first time all pupils were aiming for " A " levels , and could be helped and encouraged by discussing careers and progress with their masters and parents .
2 As Britain has 22 million homes with television , this means that for the foreseeable future the majority will be stuck with the terrestrial four channels .
3 This means that for the boom to continue it would be necessary to undertake capacity increasing investment , that is , increase the stock of fixed capital .
4 This means that for the first one the doubt is ‘ simple ’ and can be cleared up in a straightforward way , but for the second it is ‘ compound ’ and needs much greater care .
5 This means that for the first time doctors may be able to tell if an infected person who feels well is in danger of becoming ill , so that they can try to do something to prevent this .
6 Given that almost three-quarters of lone mothers are on income support this means that for the majority income will not change , regardless of how much maintenance is collected .
7 This means that for the forseeable future , prisoners remanded in custody by magistrates , will have to be held in police cells until a jail place becomes available .
8 Figure 3 shows that for the nine patients as a group , there was a linear relation between the mean plasma gastrin during infusion of G17 plotted on a log scale and the mean acid output at each of the G17 doses .
9 Commenting on the Khmer Rouge position at the talks , the Independent of June 27 said that for the first time in three years of diplomacy , the group appeared " unsure of themselves , and nervous of being outmanoeuvred " .
10 That means that for the third year running not a single council house can be built despite the fact we have more than 4,000 people on the waiting list and last year had to rehouse 750 homeless families . ’
11 ‘ For me , being single-minded meant that for the eight months of the racing season every other aspect of my life was put on hold , ’ Vitor began , ‘ apart from the construction company .
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