Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun pl] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is obviously much easier to compare scores if they are all represented on a single scale , rather than on four different scales with different distributions and different mean values .
2 The ability to call a strike without a ballot was provided by the result of a 1981 ballot on the principle of fighting pit closures ( where the grounds were economic ; the NUM was prepared to accept closures if they agreed that the pits were ‘ worked out ’ ) .
3 However , please do not hesitate to ask if you think that something is wrong — it is usually easier to rectify differences if they are brought to our attention as soon as they are discovered .
4 It 's easy to change things if you say , I want , three decimals instead of two whenever .
5 During continuing negotiations with mediating union officials , the government threatened on Aug. 26 to dismiss strikers if they had not returned to work by 8 am on Aug. 28 .
6 During continuing negotiations with mediating union officials , the government threatened on Aug. 26 to dismiss strikers if they had not returned to work by 8 am on Aug. 28 .
7 The Commission is only likely to open proceedings if it has serious concerns about the impact of the merger on competition in the EC .
8 You are more likely to influence others if you make your points clearly , forcefully and succinctly .
9 I chose the name above , using path- rather than cycle- in the title because a ) our paths are used by others and b ) we are more likely to get grants if we are not cycle specific .
10 If it is n't then what we should then be saying is no week time over no week time work and just all work Saturdays if you see what I 'm getting at .
11 ‘ Effectively , ’ says Mr Randall , ‘ this means charities that are companies limited by guarantee will be able to avoid regulations if they wish to .
12 Well you 're not gon na get , be able to get marks if it comes to that son !
13 So unless you 're prepared to network the program , or invest in a colour printer , people will only be able to prioritize tasks if they see the schedule on your screen .
14 We should even be able to move mountains if we have enough faith .
15 The conquest of Ireland was the largest military undertaking of Elizabeth 's reign , costing over £1m. , or the total royal revenue for three years , which was far more than any other military or naval activities , and a new wave of English landlords was able to gain estates if they could hold the rebellious Irish population in subjection .
16 A DIY breathalyser will soon be able to tell drivers if they are over the limit — but police say it ca n't be trusted .
17 Men do not like disruptions and the effect is that staff feel less inclined to initiate conversations if they feel the receptivity is n't there .
18 It is therefore vital to control fleas if you are to prevent infection by this species of tapeworm .
19 Staff said that they felt more inclined to offer services if they were not assuming sole responsibility for an individual 's welfare but could ‘ share the burden ’ .
20 Bream can and do eat gallons of bait but it is not wise to overdo things if they are finicky .
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