Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun pl] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 BELVILLE : [ furious ] And is it thus in my fond conceding moments that I am to be answered and despised ?
2 It could be that teenage girls nowadays act in a more self-confident manner , and that this fuels notions that they are becoming more violent .
3 It took me a long time to accept solos at all , and to this day there are still so few lead players that I really like .
4 Sh that th the people were willing to make promises that they did not wish to keep that they would not keep and I in all sincerity could not let them do that , and they went away extremely hurt and that particular situation unfortunately became extremely tragic later on .
5 That Major still backs Mellor and believes he did nothing untoward arouses suspicions that he does n't know the difference between right and wrong .
6 In class , it was less easy to convince others that I was coping not only adequately , but brilliantly .
7 And do n't imagine that you are too sick to attend classes that you do n't like .
8 And rival societies were quick to assure homebuyers that they had no intention of following suit .
9 But it is hard to persuade voters that you have managerial skills if you have been out of office for 11 years .
10 Over the years of flying at almost every conceivable airshow location in the UK , Lindsey has had a few unusual requests along the way : ‘ I can remember a certain airshow organiser , who was very active on the airshow scene then , but not now , coming up to me and saying ‘ Lindsey , how much do you want to bail out at the end of one of these dogfight routines that you do ? ’ ,
11 Having seen and heard him at Buxton , I find it hard to believe claims that he did not solo the South Face of Lhotse : claims , in any case , which Cesen has countered with an explanation .
12 MS DOS 5 has three copying programs that you can use to transfer files , but before you can copy any file onto a floppy disk you will have to FORMAT the disk first .
13 It is one of these reinforced histories that we observe as the history of the object .
14 These include allegations that she was unfit through drink while acting as duty officer in charge of the force on July 24 , 1990 ; that she swam in a pool with a male officer while dressed only in her underwear ; and that she later shared a jacuzzi with the same officer .
15 Well we 've all got things that we do n't want to do have n't we ?
16 To help you memorize useful phrases it is helpful to prepare dialogues that you can first practice with your language helper and with the tape recorder before you go out and try the phrases with other people .
17 We all have habits that we are aware of , but the habits that Alexander referred to are below our level of consciousness .
18 There are , of course , many alarm systems that you could fit to a home and prices range enormously. , It is best to take advice from a good security expert .
19 Dogs can manage up to 35,000 to 40,000 cycles per second , so that they are able to detect sounds that we can not .
20 But er , we did , and we , we , were thanked on a , in a numerous ways as well with people who was able to get things that we could n't get like , and , and they give them us like , you know in return .
21 They got you know quite a bit of stick for not being able to produce drawings that they said they had .
22 And erm so that the campaign was working on two levels one to persuade women that they did n't have to take time off from working in factories , at certain times of the month and another to persuade women to use erm internal sanitary protection and as I said I will explain why later it comes into another section .
23 Because of the uncertainty about the diagnosis , the prolonged treatment often advocated , and the slightness of the symptoms in many cases , it is often very difficult to persuade patients that they are cured .
24 ‘ In this country it would be very difficult to persuade workers that they should work harder for the good of the company .
25 Little wonder , as things turned out , that in adult life poor ‘ W. C. T. ’ , as his cousin William Jowett Titford called him , found it very difficult to convince bureaucrats that he was really called ‘ William ’ , though everyone knew him as ‘ Charles ’ , like his father .
26 It is not anti-science to remind scientists that they too are mortal .
27 It 's no consolation to those involved in Monday 's canoeing tragedy , but British school trips have an impressive safety record and schools are keen to assure parents that they do everything in their power to ensure the wellbeing of pupils in their care .
28 We believe ultimately that there is a case for the further development of budget in this case , and for the schools themselves to decide the levels of erm special needs advisers that they will want .
29 These factors alone would have been sufficient to convince advertisers that it was not the medium for the affluent ‘ never-had-it-so-good ’ Macmillan era .
30 We revealed yesterday that another of Courtney 's victims is still too terrified to tell police that he attacked her .
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