Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 That made money in a way as important as guns — if they could find enough .
2 We may be quite right to ascribe agency to a child for his acts .
3 Would that make sense in a Cathedral setting , eh Tallboy ? ’
4 The care of healthy , dependent children due to suffer bereavement as a result of the HIV epidemic in Lothian should be addressed while the problem is still in its infancy .
5 It is also possible to isolate part of a design at any time and save just that section on to disk for future use .
6 The Court had jurisdiction to hear an originating summons on the question of the Inland Revenue 's right to demand information in a situation where the taxpayer had no statutory right of appeal against the demand , and a failure to comply with the demand would result in a penalty .
7 But this did little to consolidate control over a country claimed but not subdued and when Duke Philip of Burgundy broke from his alliance with the English to pledge support for Charles VII at Arras in 1435 , the days of English rule in France were numbered .
8 It would be possible to absorb provocation into a wider notion of ‘ extreme emotional disturbance ’ , as the American Model Penal Code does , so that the key to mitigation would be the extent of the defendant 's psychological disturbance at the time of the killing rather than the reasons for it .
9 It is now possible to infer pH with a standard error of about 0.3 pH units .
10 It is a small mollusc , the size of a mussel , that starts life as a tiny free-swimming speck of jelly .
11 So it 's wrong to see federalism in a sense as an equal partnership between the states and the , and the central government it is biased towards central government , always has been so and has in become increasingly biased towards it i in modern times .
12 In my mind this encourages communication on a one-to-one basis therefore reducing power .
13 Substantial numbers of assistants wanted training in specific skills , particularly behaviour management and first aid , and about half regarded attendance at a training course on the general role of the assistant as important .
14 However , it also seems clear that it is permissible to argue , in defence to a prosecution for breach of a statute or regulation , that the relevant statutory provision or regulation is ultra vires ; but it is difficult to see how this involves assertion of a ‘ private law right ’ : there is no private law right not to be prosecuted apart from the right not to be prosecuted maliciously .
15 It would appear foolish to confirm existence of a spiritual state .
16 This provided cover for a uniformed gunman who opened fire with a sub-machine gun , hitting Boudiaf in the back and the head .
17 A complete set of insurance markets would allow risk to be transferred from those who dislike risk to those who are prepared to bear risk at a price .
18 All this reinforces custody in a central position .
19 Even in the early days , when wage differentials between the two cities were not great , the Edinburgh compositors were considered by their Glasgow colleagues to be lacking in spirit : " The printers [ i.e. compositors ] of Edinburgh had the unenviable reputation of being willing to accept work at a reduced rate in almost any town in the United Kingdom before 1840 . "
20 Nor , in tight labour markets , would they find the workers willing to accept employment on a temporary basis .
21 This forces water through a tube formed by the tongue pressed against a groove in the roof of the mouth .
22 Artegall keeps control and this allows victory over a savage force which appears much larger and more powerful than the knight .
23 His view is that since there was little chance of a fascist state being formed in Britain the Labour Party ought to have been prepared to tackle fascism in a militant way and to strike a blow against the constitutional approach to politics which simply strengthened capitalism .
24 Huge old fashioned boiler with a coal fire underneath .
25 Apart from its legs it resembled an old fashioned typewriter with a carriage and Qwerty keyboard .
26 Any one of the Co signals is adequate to identify Co in a sample , as most energies can be uniquely associated with one sub-shell of one element .
27 This reveals law as a politically constructed , ideologically formulated institution , which has an educative process .
28 The takeover battle produced an outcome , which was , at the time , the largest ever bid for a British based company by a foreign one .
29 But if all this forms part of a familiar pattern , why are we still afraid when we read it ?
30 This forms part of a major research programme funded by the SERC , involving collaboration with chemists at UMIST and physicists at St Andrews .
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