Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Byrne looks embarrassed to be in it — and it is indeed a sore waste of his undoubted talents — while Basinger as usual goes for the lowest common , and I mean common , denominator .
2 Nor did Labour suffer to the slightest extent in popular esteem from its link with the trade unions .
3 This led to the highest possible in Rugby League other than actually playing for a good team : I began to be invited to games by the committee .
4 They had to be prepared to perform in the strangest conditions .
5 I 've been praying for him and this looks like the best possible outcome .
6 Roamers of the countryside , surprise was their chief weapon , great daring being shown in what some regarded as the finest military feats of all , the capture of walled towns and castles which were then ransomed , having perhaps been used in the meanwhile as bases for military activity further afield .
7 ‘ But you seemed keen to meet me this morning , so this seemed like the best place . ’
8 Hekmatyar 's forces had threatened to destroy the capital , Kabul , and had been involved in intensified fighting immediately prior to Fareed 's arrival from Peshawar ; at least 100 people were killed and 300 wounded in the worst bombardment of Kabul , the capital , for two -months .
9 So everyone is unhappy and , what is worse still , the children are being brought up to believe that the old should always be given second best and be prepared to shrink into the smallest ‘ shell ’ that is offered to them .
10 This compared with the latest forecast for the 1990 deficit of L140,000,000 million , representing 10.8 per cent of GDP .
11 If you want to use aromatherapy oils when caring for an elderly relative , be prepared to pay for the best .
12 Everyone who wants to act professionally should try to see as much drama as they possibly can — and this means in the broadest sense , watching television , cinema , visiting the theatre and looking at the actor 's work carefully and analytically .
13 Often this was reflected in the village church , where the old sat in the best seats and the young at the back .
14 There are thirteen ranges , each manufactured to the highest standard , available .
15 There are a number of locator devices available , with little to choose between the best .
16 Yeah , you see , now so much got in the worst of us and so much bad in the best of us , , speak ill of the rest of us Ha I 've just finished reading the er , whole text of Rudyard Kipling 's .
17 Should the marked chromosome constitute the inactive X , however , it is reasonably easy to observe as the darkest and longest chromosome in the cell .
18 Before attempting to describe the various approaches to learning and teaching which may be found in the contemporary primary school , it would be appropriate to list in the broadest of terms the key elements which lie at the heart of the curriculum .
19 It is one thing to recognise that the interests of producers and consumers are likely to be opposed : for the first will wish to sell at the highest , the second to buy at the lowest price .
20 Yet it involved a principle which many could not accept : regardless of the sacrifices demanded of the rest of the community , it seemed too much to ask of the poorest of the poor .
21 And it then made possible going by the shortest route .
22 There , in the back of the journal , were the breeding charts-a dozen complex genetic patterns , each drawn in the tiniest of hands , one to a double page ; each named and dated , Ben 's own amongst them .
23 On the radio link Richie reported that he had scored a net 69 , which was likely to stand as the best score of the day .
24 The best consultants are as hard to find as the best managers
25 These jingle at the slightest touch on the head .
26 Two lawyers are likely to differ about the best interpretation of the practices of legislation or precedent in a particular case because their general political and moral convictions differ .
27 Or perhaps she had sense to realise that in an entrenched battle she was likely to come off the worst .
28 If the worst came to the worst he could cook it himself .
29 I had thought that , if the worst came to the worst , I could always follow the hillside and make my way down to the bottom .
30 If the worst came to the worst , she could fire it with both hands .
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