Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] being [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is a history of morale boosting , of public money being made available from various sources from 1918 onwards : to enrich the life in remote villages in danger of being deserted by the exodus after the First World War ; to occupy the unemployed in the 1930s on Tyneside ; to counter the dreary effect of the ‘ blackout ’ during the Second World War ( this was the first instance in this country of government subsidy ) ; to bring a sense of wellbeing to the community during the difficult years following the war ; and in particular , to occupy bored young people .
2 But today she had felt old wounds being ripped open .
3 Upon alternative access for heavy vehicles to a public highway being made available to the satisfaction of the local planning authority the use of Gillingham Gate for heavy vehicles shall be discontinued or reduced in accordance with details which shall have been submitted to and approved by the local planning authority .
4 In the event of any clause or conditions set out in this appointment being declared invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction then all other clauses or terms remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected thereby .
5 So does his use of omens and prophecies — a feature of The Lord of the Rings which may furthermore seem to deny the idea of free will being left intact by the forces of providence .
6 Those that do n't accept terms by June 30 risk being declared surplus and laid off .
7 The experience thus gained provided a grounding for work on the development of a new general scheme , the first step in this regard being to identify main classes .
8 There is a possibility of additional funding being made available for capital purchase .
9 What the RHA was intending to do was to transfer the hospital budget to community services , with extra funds being made available to support the hospitals through the critical final stages of closure .
10 It may also recognise that the husband should be entitled to a financial stake in the matrimonial home , such stake being made available to him at the end of the period specified in the court order or at a time previously agreed between the parties .
11 ‘ We must never lose sight of what a tremendous weapon being cost competitive is for ensuring the survival of jobs and businesses . ’
12 The sheriff 's reply sounded clearly in the hushed corridor , impressing the assembled kids and seeming to confirm Grant 's claim to be part of an official police operation — if any needed convincing after seeing one of the feared Apostles being dragged unconscious into an empty cubicle .
13 In 1969 a doping scandal at FC Bologna in Italy led to the entire team being found guilty ; in Uruguay the following year two internationalists admitted using an exotic African drug and in the World Cup prior to Argentina , FIFA banned the Haitian internationalist Ernst Joseph for taking the proscribed drug phenlmetrazin .
14 Others , by contrast , stress the virtues of maintaining the distinctiveness , ideas , and integrity of the individual , such virtues being considered superior to those of compromise and cooperation .
15 By an application dated 18 March 1992 the father applied ex parte for a prohibited steps order preventing the mother from removing the four children from the care and control of the father , a specific issue order directing the mother to return A. to the father 's care and control and not to remove him therefrom and a residence order directing that the four children live with the father and that the mother return A. to the former matrimonial home and into the father 's care , all such orders being sought pursuant to section 8 of the Children Act 1989 .
16 ‘ Most of the people I spoke to said they saw six people being shot dead near the US embassy compounds , ’ he said .
17 ‘ Most of the people I spoke to said they saw six people being shot dead near the US embassy compounds , ’ he said .
18 Oil , that most precious of natural resources , the stuff which makes the wheels of industry turn , was at that moment being set ablaze to pollute the skies or pumped into the Gulf to pollute the seas .
19 Social workers need more training in housing legislation to protect victims of domestic violence being made homeless .
20 Multiloads have been the bane of cassette users for many years , with large , well-programmed games being rendered unplayable simply because of the time wasted during loading .
21 The Association applied itself to ways of resolving the continuing tension between the utilitarian needs of business and industry and the reinvigoration of a cultural leadership , its avowed objective being to reconcile practical utility , enlightened patriotism , and the " human ideal " in education .
22 But then what is Wonderland if not a celebration of special effects from white roses being painted red to Cheshire Cats dismantling before your eyes ?
23 Unable to get his life and work in gear , Chris Penn changed his name and for a time worked on a building site before earning good money being beaten black and blue as a prize fighter .
24 The data sheets indicated that in practice , there is considerable overlap between what is regarded as job and development training , with many programmes being assigned dual functions , usually job and development , sometimes induction and job , occasionally all three .
25 In the private sector a large number of estate agents , landlords , accommodation agencies and building societies have been found to operate discriminatory registers , refusing to let or sell or lend to black individuals and families , while direct and indirect discrimination in many local authority housing departments has led to black tenants being allocated inferior council housing ( Gordon and Newnham , 1986 ) .
26 Certainly there have been cases after Alladice , including the one in which these remarks were made , where infraction of the rules has led to the resultant evidence being declared inadmissible .
27 It had been an horrific triple crash that had left two drivers dead , and the newsreel of that dreadful moment had shown a blazing object being catapulted clear of the wreckage .
28 Responding members of the ACCA , CIMA and CIPFA preferred the option of all members being called chartered accountants , whereas those from the three institutes of chartered accountants indicated that they would have difficulty with this proposition .
29 However , the Department supports the right to seek a late appeal being kept open .
30 That 's hardly a sensible slogan in a time of recession , with more people being made redundant every day .
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