Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] it [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It effectively charges it because if you 've got six thousand allowances and you withdraw that amount putting it against the total income it means that you 're actually paying tax on those by deduction .
2 Thus if a policeman gives directions to a traveller , a doctor tells a nurse how to administer medicine to a patient , a householder puts in an insurance claim , a shop assistant explains the relative merits of two types of knitting wool , or a scientist describes an experiment , in each case it matters that the speaker should make what he says ( or writes ) clear .
3 Of all the hundreds of trade pattern books issued by manufacturers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries it appears that not more than ten survive in public collections , and only one pre-Victorian priced catalogue relating to coffins and lining materials .
4 Although there are conflicting dicta it seems that an owner who is not in occupation of the land at the time when the thing escapes is liable if he has authorised the accumulation , and that anyone who collects the dangerous thing and has control of it at the time of the escape would be liable , perhaps even when he is carrying it along the highway and it escapes therefrom .
5 On a practical and tactical level it suggests that groups with common aspirations should seek to engage in broadly-based political alliances to further their shared interests , through a combination of lobbying , pressure-group activity and litigation .
6 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
7 In this case it seems that the structure of the drama has made it too easy for the children — perhaps because of the non-confrontational role adopted by the teacher as messenger early on , when he was excited and enthusiastic about the railway and its effect on another town .
8 If so then on the assumption , surely acceptable to Nozick as to most people , that the prospect of a profit is a valid reason for most commercial activities it follows that selling arms to one of the combatants for profit does not jeopardize one 's neutrality .
9 In this instance it seems that the client needed not so much advice on a course of action as legitimation from its lawyer .
10 It is true that in some cases it happens that the recipient does not find the punishment painful , or even welcomes it — for example , some offenders might find prison a refuge against the intolerable pressures of the outside world .
11 In this study it seems that the higher fibre diet expanded the proliferative compartment in both the proximal and distal colon and would thus appear to increase the risk of colonic mucosal cell instability .
12 After a period of some confusion it seems that Carvin gear is going to get proper distribution in the UK .
13 But from the two paper on pages 539 and 541 of this issue it seems that , in at least one important respect , the mammalian visual cortex and the insect optic lobe operate upon visual patterns in a similar way .
14 The annexe has few refectory facilities , and on some days it seems that the queue for the coffee machine snakes endlessly around the corridors .
15 Wrangham 's theory remains tentative but if it stands up to further investigation it suggests that humans were primordially partrilineal .
16 For some purposes it matters that mice are not cats , while for others what counts is that both are animals .
17 At some point it seems that Theo made a most fatuous comment .
18 His subsequent letters to her reveal a side of his personality that Victorian biographers preferred to suppress At this point it seems that Wolfgang was interested in matters more scatological than sexual ; his humour is of the smutty adolescent variety that was evidently taken for granted in Salzburg middle class society .
19 On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors .
20 In the High Court it seemed that the " going rate " for personal injury matters in 1991 was about £65 per hour and in the county courts in London in 1991 between £55 and £60 per hour .
21 On the news this morning it said that over eight hundred kids turned up ! ’
22 His behaviour has n't been odd and speaking to his cell mate this morning it seems that he did n't speak to very many people either .
23 In this society it follows that real talent goes unrewarded and unflinching purity of soul is automatically derided — on both these counts I am to be numbered among the punished , especially in regard to material goods and services , financial security , the trust and love of friendship , and the divinely counselled companionship of wife and family .
24 In some debates it appears that traditional farming is regarded as systems of high input of fertilisers and pesticides which started in the 1950 's and are still progressing and developing today .
25 To this end it announced that the electoral commission was to be reconstituted in order to free it from political influence and manipulation .
26 From this analysis it appears that the term ‘ accountability ’ is only strictly correct when reference is made to contractual relations with employers .
27 The term ‘ an efficient farm ’ has defied description from many authorities but from this survey it appeared that it was not a farm or a system or an enterprise that was efficient but rather the man who ran it .
28 And if you do it this way it ensures that you start seeing results straight away — the harder stuff will come anyway .
29 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
30 In January this year it emerged that the sometime property dealer and owner of the Mountain Tortoise Gallery in Tokyo was running late on payment to Sotheby 's for a Picasso and a de Kooning , both of which he had bought at auctions in New York the previous November .
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