Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of [det] day " in BNC.

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1 The size of the city and the fact that it was so spread out , too , was a factor in its favour , it being almost impossible to flatten London with the HE and incendiary bombs of those days .
2 However , examined in the clear light of another day , I decided you 'd felt lousy about cheating on Simon and that dismissing the afternoon had been a get-out . ’
3 Logan certainly has fond memories of those days .
4 I do n't think Pa was too pleased , in view of his Sunday schedule , but he would never raise his voice to her , particularly on this day of all days .
5 It was an ill omen that Grey should appear on this day of all days , so close to where Owen lay hidden , newly resolved to take Hotspur 's advice , bide his time for peace-making , and forbear aggravating the English further .
6 Besides — and in the way the French Army of those days functioned it is hard to believe such considerations did not pass through Joffre 's mind — if things went badly wrong henceforth at Verdun , the Generalissimo 's responsibility would now be shared by another .
7 ( Incidentally , oranges and nuts seem to have occupied in the social life of those days the place soft drinks and ice cream occupy today , being consumed in great quantities even in the most dignified circles . )
8 De Black British Politics of Dis Day .
9 ‘ The middle six hours of that day we passed in waiting .
10 Miss Jeanette told how in the early hours of that day she had gone with Nichol to a nearby beauty spot and they tried unsuccessfully to have sex .
11 During the early part of that day , orders were given to the army to arrest strike organisers over much of Ulster .
12 Looking down he saw the final fearful act of that day .
13 The only real characteristic of each day was that it was the same as the day before and to give any account of such days in strict sequence would make as tedious reading as it made tedious living .
14 Written between 1599 and 1605 , it describes the religious exercises and prayers for the whole household as well as the private prayers and readings which occupied a large part of each day , and in which Lady Hoby was guided by her chaplain , Richard Rhodes .
15 A dozen Valences of those days were among the host of drafted hive gangs and planetary troopers who fought their way across the ash wastes , spearheaded by a company of Space Marines , to relieve and purge those ravaged hives , which ever since had loomed abandoned like smashed skulls .
16 In early movies , the unsophisticated audiences of those days had to be helped over sudden changes from one scene to another with subtitles , for example : ‘ meanwhile , back at the ranch ’ .
17 My subterfuge was a visit to the Rotary — but the only rotary aspect of that day was the circle my buttocks described as I thrust you to orgiastic multiplicities .
18 Not the least remarkable aspect of that day was that the county should record their highest total in the limited-overs arena , no fewer than 15 years after M. J. Smith and Graham Barlow had given Sarfraz and Bedi a spring clean to register the only previous Seaxe score in excess of 300 .
19 Many of the leading actors of that day came to him and some of them , such as Sir Henry Irving , used to have his professional help between acts of their plays .
20 In the indiscriminate gunfire of that day , more had died .
21 It had been a stupid thing to do , on that day of all days .
22 Man is essentially a social being and spends the major part of each day communicating with other people in one way or another .
23 And then that 's another thing he always got something to eat which was a great help of those days , and especially if there was If mother was baking or anything like that he always got a scone or something , mhm .
24 ‘ Come and take a good sniff of this day , ’ he said , pushing open the window .
25 The diabetic clinic of those days did not even have blood glucose results available when patients were seen : now most clinics enjoy this advance .
26 The Long Beach of those days was just emerging from the sleaze of being a naval base ; its downtown was full of porn-movie houses , run-down discount shops and ‘ boutiques ’ for the geriatric , who formed a large part of its population .
27 Time was thrown completely out of joint by the instant transition from long periods of inactivity , when the most dramatic part of any day was a slow walk to the bathroom and back , to a chaos of orders , panic , delays and wild hurries , fear and physical discomfort .
28 The tales were lively , not without a strong hint of bawdiness , but they had brought vividly to life the glittering courts of former days — so different , as Alianor was wont to say with a sigh , from the subdued , uneasy court of the present king .
29 They did not even try to make their horses do what they wanted by the ordinary or commonplace methods of these days ; they believed that punishment was the best method of education , and this style of ‘ horsemanship ’ persisted into the seventeenth century and beyond .
30 As for Miss Kenton , I seem to remember the mounting tension of those days having a noticeable effect upon her .
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