Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] then it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 If someone has learned how to operate a word-processor or complete an accurate and intelligible technical drawing then it may be that these are skills he can build upon and will not have to relearn .
2 For example , if a company occupies a self-contained building then it may simply be looking at sub-letting a surplus floor or floors to achieve its objective .
3 For example , one director commented that when he saw a topic referred to a few times then it would ‘ click ’ in his mind , and he would then consider if it could have some significance to his company .
4 If what was a secret at the time that the contract was entered into subsequently becomes public knowledge then it would be unrealistic if the court were simply to examine the question of reasonableness at the time when the contract was entered .
5 And by doing so , The Accused rejects the assumptions of the other films , saying in effect that if this can not be said of this woman then it can never be said of any women in any situation .
6 If company come through , this week then it could be considerably more , cos I can get interviews , sales demonstrations and .
7 If case management is expected to reduce reliance upon residential care then it will need components which specifically address the needs of clients who are most likely to be admitted , or those with the history of frequent admissions , or those who are likely to stay the longest .
8 I think once that sort of phrase gets within the public domain then it would be very difficult to shift that er in the future .
9 According to Gandhi , if it is at all possible for man to describe this power then it ought to be called Truth ( Satya ) , which is a derivative of Sat , which literally means that which is or exists .
10 Were open I mean there 's been lots of things done like that I mean you maybe aware of this sort of jazz in the Gilbey bar on Saturday lunch time and that 's been running some time then it 'll cease to come back again you know if you 'll actually counting on the people actually coming cos of the jazz there I think as your looking at it it was slightly up it was n't a was n't great influx because there was jazz available so yeah we 'll certainly look introducing things into different areas of the theatre but from past experience it does n't automatically follow that if you can do that then you know it 's gon na happen .
11 If " demand " is an accepted idiom then it can work quite well .
12 Under the armpit of Scandinavia , Finland fits like a gusset ; and if this gusset was a piece of rotten calico then it would rip in the ragged shredded way that Finland has done .
13 At the start of the 1980s , it seemed to me that until we knew more about the answers to such questions then it would be hard to compare and make sense out of the varied and possibly conflicting results that were coming from different labs .
14 If it is a very large contract then it may be reasonable for the builder to ask for interim payments as the work progresses , and you can discuss this with him at the outset .
15 Okay and if you bring that one down a little bit then it 'll collide with these .
16 If this principle applies to the 1984 Act then it would mean that the defence of volenti will vary according to the category of entry .
17 Yes well I 'll go fortnightly for a little while then it 'll tail off .
18 If any Government fails to meet either of these conditions then it will be replaced by another expected to meet both .
19 If it were possible to store all the different types of primary data in computer-readable form then it would become feasible to use the speed of the computer to carry out the required searches , comparisons , overlays and numerical modelling .
20 On 16th April 1973 the estate agents had written to the defendants drawing attention to the existence of the counter-inflationary measures then in force and concluding with the sentence : ‘ I would also confirm that should you be successful in acquiring these premises then it will be necessary for us to look to you for payment of our fees as based on the commercial scales of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors . ’
21 If the contract is not for the sale of specific goods then it must be for the sale of unascertained goods .
22 ‘ If the father is in regular contact then it should n't matter . ’
23 But if your report is to produce more than the predictable yawn then it must be different .
24 Conversely where a statutory term is open to a spectrum of reasonable interpretations then it must be a question of fact .
25 Union observers believe that unless Dagenham can be transformed by 1994 into an efficient , viable plant then it will not be selected for another new model .
26 If it already runs a back to nursing course then it will also have established a policy geared towards attracting you back to work .
27 If , however , the staffing improvement can be imaginatively exploited to create links between the special school provision , other special provision and primary or secondary schools then it could create the first stages of a unified , coherent service whose institutional boundaries are eroded .
28 Nigel says that if he could only win one more race then it would be the British Grand Prix at Silverstone
29 If it can be shown that most children recorded as unoccupied in the census also had economically inactive lone mothers then it would be reasonable to assume that the concerns about numerator-denominator bias expressed by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys may be exaggerated .
30 Beware of matching too many colours together — if you have chosen a fairly strong coloured mount then it may be easier to have a plain white or cream silk as the background , or you could use a plain mount card in a neutral shade like cream , behind the coloured mount of your choice .
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