Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Investigative mastectomy could be considered for women with normal mammograms who present with axillary nodal disease when antibody reactivity supports a primary tumour in the breast .
2 However , their article states that ‘ investigative mastectomy could be considered for women with normal mammograms who present with axillary node disease when antibody reactivity supports a primary tumour in the breast . ’
3 On the other hand , if we do n't do what the Russians wish there may be the danger that they will not be ready to co-operate in getting back speedily to us the British and other Allied prisoners who fall into their hands as they advance into Germany .
4 The new body — to be set up by the 12 countries of the European Community and the six countries of the European Free Trade Association — would be open to east European states who opt for democracy .
5 Here the faculty is able to draw on the wide range of professional musicians who reside in Edinburgh or visit regularly .
6 In addition , there are perhaps another 200 professional musicians who work for a substantial part of their time in cathedrals , collegiate and choral foundations , and Royal Peculiars .
7 ( c ) Starling-like oxpeckers who live on the backs of large animals such as elephant , rhinoceros and cattle , in equatorial Africa .
8 Then the fortunate staff who are still employed and they 're regarded as fortunate that you 've still got a job , because that 's what the management use repeatedly to professional people like nurses , sisters and other professional organizations who work within the Health Service , you 're very lucky to have a job .
9 The former can easily be caricatured as humourless puritans who object to games which involve guessing the number of beans in a jar at the church fete .
10 The project consists of three linked studies : in-depth interviews with 100 members of the general population ; exploratory interviews with 30 solicitors who work in the field of probate ; examination of a sample of 1,000 wills , drawn from a 40 year period .
11 Cornish GOBLINS who dwell in mines of southwestern England and point out rich veins of lead , silver and tin .
12 All chintz curtains and birdcages in the windows , many of them are the homes of old railwaymen who sit by the fire , dreaming of Gresley Pacifics and Stanier Jubilees .
13 Metrocast already needs frequency-agile paging to cope with the fragmented US market , and this is now being extended for British businessmen who travel to the States .
14 For the many foreign visitors who call at the Ponderosa each year it is often their first visit to an Irish pub , for local people it 's a chance to meet old friends , and make new ones .
15 Along with many of the other development corporations , the skills and experience in creating new communities have been dispersed — a fact that always amazes foreign visitors who look on British new towns as one of the major achievements of post-war planning anywhere in the world .
16 There 's hip-hop ( e.g. Public Enemy 's incendiary rhetoric and racism ) and rap ( superstuds like LL Cool J ) ; there 's European body pop ( Front 242 , DAF ) and hard gay club music ; and then there are the electronic-based bands who thrive on totalitarian and paramilitary imagery ( Laibach , Nitzer Ebb ) .
17 That the world is not divided into 2 classes of people — one who run private care for nasty reasons — and another group who work in the statutory service for all the good reasons , and that what we have to do is be prepared to step outside of those kinds of labelling and look at what we are seeing , look at the needs of the people we are trying to help make provision for and see what best can be done out of the resources available .
18 In this context , although Mr Lawson supports the ERM , he too would be , no doubt , a narrow-minded nationalist when faced with the prospect of European Monetary Union , as would increasing numbers of German economists who argue on the basis of economic research that EMU is not necessarily an attractive option .
19 Are there some dogs who specialise in the slow going as it were , the heavy going ?
20 Charge cards are largely held by higher-income individuals who have to an extent been cushioned form the onset of the recession .
21 The review was of the Government 's failure under the Treaty of Rome to ensure equal treatment for EC and British nationals who apply for grants to pay the cost of their fees to study in this country .
22 This is the label given to that group of unemployed workers who suffer from mental and/or physical disabilities which considerably limit the number of job opportunities available to them .
23 Some families who ask for help have a basically good relationship with their children .
24 There remain , however , a few dancers who excel in the purely classical roles , which an audience demands because they are still testing grounds for particular talents .
25 If there 's a supply side shock , erm , if we take bad weather in say the northern hemisphere , that 's going to affect prices , but because there are some producers who sell on the world market who come from the southern hemisphere , right , perhaps , there 's good weather in the southern hemisphere , and that 's , because there 's a larger geographical area over which erm , production is spread , it 's less likely that we , we 're going to see major fluctuations in supply right , and as a result it 's less likely that we 're going to see major fluctuations in price .
26 The formalities are not unduly onerous in the sense that there are several commercial agencies who specialise in providing ‘ off the shelf ’ companies .
27 Not some strangers who come from God knows where .
28 The Indonesian government has embarked on large-scale commercial harvesting of sago palms in Irian Jaya ( the western half of New Guinea ) , threatening the livelihood of tribal people who depend on sago starch as a basic foodstuff .
29 There are many different people who contribute to the efficient running of a clinic , including nurses , technicians , social workers , contact-tracers , doctors , and , the person who makes the first contact with a patient , the receptionist , whose contribution to the well-running of the department is of particular importance .
30 ‘ We 're two different people who happen to be in the same business .
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