Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] would do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 There should also be deleted the reference to the landlord not being required to insure where the tenant has failed to pay the insurance rent , although any landlord in its right mind would do so in any event .
2 Surely all political parties would do well to agree that there is to be no political vacuum in Northern Ireland and that we are determined to fight for peace as the future of Northern Ireland .
3 So perhaps four and a half hours , if we do n't get held up on the M twenty five , four and a half hours would do so that , if we leave here at two , we could be there , you know , well by seven .
4 Perhaps he believes in third-time lucky , but other hopefuls in the British auction would do well to rely on something more concrete than fortune .
5 Researchers of medieval settlements would do well , perhaps , to regard their scanty documentary references — often only the name and owner of a site at a particular date — in the same way that the Romanist looks at his sherds and the prehistorian his flint scatters .
6 Demand for second-hand equipment is high , and British dealers would do well to take a look at the opportunities , he adds .
7 Some dealers would do well to heed the advice offered by Mark McCormack in his book What They Do n't Teach You at Harvard Business School — Awareness of when you are imposing can be an important asset . "
8 The hon. Gentleman would do well to go back to Bradford and ask the authority one or two questions .
9 The hon. Gentleman would do well to familiarise himself with the keep warm this winter campaign run by the Scottish Office which has received every support from local authorities the length and breadth of Scotland .
10 The hon. Gentleman would do well to recall that the policies of so many Labour authorities leaving properties empty and voids untreated which significantly adds to the level of homelessness ; until those Labour authorities operate properly with their housing resources , they will not make inroads into the housing problem .
11 The hon. Gentleman would do well to acknowledge those facts .
12 The hon. Gentleman would do better if he chose his targets with more precision .
13 Holidaymakers contemplating taking their diesel estate cars to the Dordogne or Brittany this summer would do well to wait until they drive off the cross-Channel ferry before topping up the tank .
14 This is highly regarded and influential in police circles and the social worker would do well to be aware of its thinking .
15 SPD still fails to ride the wave : Setbacks for Chancellor Kohl and his team have not convinced voters the Social Democrats would do any better , writes John Eisenhammer
16 Not only are meals of excellent value , but the atmosphere is friendly with a genuine courtesy which some more pretentious establishments nearer home would do well to copy .
17 He concluded his forty-five minute address by commenting on the political factors which influenced investment location decisions and emphasised that future multi-national planners would do well to have a much more sensitive appreciation of the social and political implications of their actions .
18 ‘ That simple act would do far more to ease cross-community tensions than all the community holidays since 1969 , ’ he claimed .
19 In fact all ordinary telescopes would do so but for the addition of an extra lens-system to turn the image the right way up again .
20 However , perhaps what does make the cities different is their scale of decline and deprivation : those seeking the most disadvantaged in contemporary Britain would do well to start in the older urban cores .
21 But here the descriptions play an important role , and serious students would do well to read them carefully ; for not only do they tell more than any photograph ever can , including technical details of construction , but , when studied with the photographs , or in front of the objects themselves , they are invaluable in helping to focus on the many significant details which might otherwise go unnoticed .
22 ‘ He scored six points from frees and four from play and there 's nothing wrong with that — a similar helping would do nicely this Sunday , ’ smiles Carroll .
23 Now it is rare for a centre-forward to skipper a side ( and I do n't think that has happened on more than one occasion at the Palace since ) so that only an exceptional player would do so .
24 Theirs is an example many high-flying executives would do well to follow .
25 Equally , many countries would do well to acknowledge the honesty of subSaharan nations in being largely open about the nature and scale of the epidemic within their borders .
26 Bonar Law would do as much work in an hour as S.B. in four or five , ’ he wrote in November 1923 .
27 That society became a more egalitarian , caring and humane society , and the present generation would do well to reflect on this .
28 But Kingdon 's knowledge of the diversity of African animal life and environments enables him to cast a light on human evolution that many specialists would do well to consider seriously ( despite reservations about details ) and that many others will simply enjoy .
29 He blamed the Conservative Government for making a mess of the economy but warned a Labour Government would do no better .
30 Some take the profoundly defeatist view that the kicking and screaming which would accompany a successful revolt would do even more damage than sticking with the lady .
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