Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] if it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The hearing will take place on 25 and 26 March , and the committee is empowered to extend Hateley 's statutory one-match ban if it sees fit .
2 Because no one could have found that brooch if it had just been a wilderness .
3 But Downing Street made it clear that it was the Cabinet which set the £244.5 billion spending target — and it can increase that figure if it wants to .
4 Management could be faced ‘ with severe economic losses if it failed to take into account their views , or to win their consent on issues which were felt to be of major importance by the workforce ’ ( p. 314 ) .
5 However even if the court calls one of the ‘ if X ’ conditions a question of fact , it will substitute its view as to the meaning of that term if it conceives the fact to be jurisdictional .
6 Socialism is organised benevolence — and compulsorily organised benevolence if it has to be .
7 State on your tax return income from which tax has not been deducted at source and will therefore be assessed for tax by the Inland Revenue if it forms part of a more substantial income :
8 Think what would happen to the electric light industry if it did n't get dark every night .
9 I do n't think the Labour 'd know a free vote if it bit him on the leg .
10 First , the Bank can lend to the discount houses as a method of providing further assistance if it has not provided adequate assistance earlier in the day .
11 It would be a much lesser work if it had swerved towards either extreme .
12 Tit for Tat won in this climate , and Tit for Two Tats would have won in this climate if it had been submitted .
13 Would you prefer a shorter conference if it meant paying less ?
14 Would I be fit to cover World War Three for the Daily Post if it broke out right now ? ’
15 As a further carrot , Centre Re might give the firm a ‘ profit share ’ : a bit of its premium back if it makes no claim .
16 In addition , the Secretary of State could override or veto any decision of the Scottish Assembly if it affected a matter reserved to the Westminster Parliament in a way which the Secretary of State felt was contrary to the public interest .
17 Scie Scientific or You want it in scientific mode if it says scientific
18 This week 's threat by Ofgas regulator Sir James McKinnon to take legal action against British Gas if it does n't reduce its prices is an indication of what can be achieved by forceful regulation of the privatised utilities . )
19 FRANCE and Germany pledged yesterday to defend the French franc if it came under further attack from speculators , but they dismissed suggestions that they might link their two currencies in a mini monetary union .
20 Under these tests , a country reserves the right to refuse an operating licence to a foreign firm if it deems that it already has enough similar companies on its territory .
21 Obviously most firms would readily sacrifice some profit if it meant that they were likely to be in business for some time .
22 Floy thought he would have rather enjoyed this journey if it had not been for the nagging concern about Fenella , left behind in the giants ' hands .
23 ‘ Well , if you do , do you think any of them would have signed this form if it had not been all in order and above board ? ’
24 BRITAIN could face a decade of high unemployment if it became a full member of the European Monetary System without a sharp fall in the pound , according to a pressure group , the Campaign for Work .
25 BRITAIN could face a decade of high unemployment if it became a full member of the European Monetary System without a sharp fall in the pound , according to a pressure group , the Campaign for Work .
26 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
27 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
28 In general , it has been accepted that people can take on part-time work in this way if it has not been their usual employment pattern .
29 But the Chancellor said in a series of television and radio interviews that he did not believe in ‘ trying to play silly games , political games ’ — and he would not rule out a further increase if it became necessary .
30 If a country 's exchange rate is generally thought to be overvalued , however , then the central bank concerned would face heavy losses of foreign currency if it attempted to maintain the exchange rate at its current value .
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