Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] has [been] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite its success — eight out of 11 young people have got jobs — no definite funding has been body .
2 Total expenditure in this field has been ECU 0.72 million .
3 An example of this typecasting has been US alto-saxophonist Lee Konitz , customarily referred to as ‘ Doyen of the Cool School ’ .
4 Sweeping into the market with some force has been Abbey National , the building society that turned itself into a bank in 1989 .
5 The leading exponent of this theoretical approach in relation to the military-industrial complex has been C.W. Mills .
6 One of Britain 's most happening hip hop crews in the last 12 months has been Ronin , whose multi-media interests are now more fully embracing clothing .
7 The single most influential neo-Marxist conceptual innovation for the analysis of development within the global system in general in the last few decades has been dependency theory , or what might be more accurately termed the dependency metatheory .
8 In this situation during anaesthesia the laryngeal mask has been life saving .
9 Unemployment has risen by nearly 1 million in the time that the hon. Gentleman has been Chancellor and Prime Minister , but still he refuses to do anything useful to stop that remorseless rise .
10 During the course of the time the right hon. Gentleman has been Chancellor and Prime Minister he is convicted by his own record and condemned by his own inaction in the face of the slump that he caused .
11 The only consistent area of preference in British policy has been satellites ; the other two major components of launchers and ground stations have ( contrary to French doctrine ) been left to others .
12 The best player by far in the Irish League this season has been Noel Bailie , not Paul Byrne .
13 Editorial director Anne Furniss approached the RHS with the suggestion for the new series ; project editorial manager has been Jane O'Shea , and art editor has been Ann Burnham .
14 Perhaps the most celebrated user of this method has been Eysenck ( 1977 ) in his theory of crime .
15 Also at this scale has been research on precipitation areas which has shown that the vertical air motion responsible and the areas themselves are organized into a hierarchy according to the horizontal size .
16 An Ecumenical Jury has been part of the Festival for the past 19 years .
17 Also key to commercial success has been Buckhaven 's dedication to meeting the exacting standards of the American Food and Drug Administration , the pharmaceutical industry 's watchdog on quality .
18 The most important exponent of this view has been Michel Foucault ( 1977 ) .
19 Since July 1985 Herbie has been Armagh Area Secretary .
20 The ethos of Soviet-style socialism has been opportunity .
21 Britain 's premier clubs has been doings its own campaigning on a very different manifesto — and very successful it has been , too .
22 ‘ Worst of all , being pulled up by the roots — worse for me than for j[ack] ; for Leeborough has always been my base whereas his real home has been Hillsboro [ Mrs Moore 's rented house in Headington , Oxford ] far some years now .
23 The most prominent performer has been Russell Claydon .
24 The British still tend to treat him with a faintly hostile embarrassment : as well they might , since for the past four years , his principal message has been condemnation of their duplicity in , as he sees it , backing away from promises to introduce democratic government by 1997 .
25 The increased output achieved on assisted farms has been 14% in cattle numbers and 27% in sheep numbers(23) .
26 A second trend has been abolition of withholding taxes in countries such as the US , Germany and ( for non-residents ) France and Spain .
27 The most practical source of such radiation has been synchrotron radiation , which is of limited spectral purity and is available only at a few facilities .
28 His second guru has been Shostakovich , for the sheer power of his expression , and , because , like every true artist ‘ he stood up firmly on his own cultural earth ’ .
29 But however much that sense of a local spiral of depression exists , there is an ever-present sense that the economic crisis has been part of broader international changes and problems .
30 The second major contextual change has been shifts in government policy , operating in the context of large scale youth unemployment .
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