Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] had [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 We managed to salvage the Spotlight feature but my bloody notes had already been printed .
2 The smile on her sweet mouth quickly faded though the moment the door was opened and she at once took in the unusual pallor of Cara 's skin and the fact that , if she was n't mistaken , her dear sister had recently been crying .
3 In contrast , the DIA 's covert activities had never been compromised and it had never become embroiled in public controversy .
4 That hope had now been shattered .
5 The announcement of the pardons also revealed that 191 political prisoners had already been pardoned by decrees on June 12 and July 31 , 1990 [ for February 1990 estimates of prison population see p. 37746 ] .
6 There was nothing wrong with the boat 's lines , which were sleekly functional , but her long powerful hull , her upperworks , and even the interior of her capacious working deck had all been painted with a wartime dazzle paint .
7 The first limited-overs international , between Australia and England , had taken place only two years earlier , and the Prudential Trophy had then been introduced with great success in 1972 .
8 Any man [ sic ] who had opposed political action had simply been insulted at quarterly meetings , and they could not keep on doing that without feeling the effects .
9 At the same time , the distinction between ambassadors resident and those who were genuinely extraordinary , in the sense in which that term had hitherto been used , began to break down .
10 The secret of Spanish stagnation had long been sought in the excessive size of the ‘ unproductive classes ’ , from grandees down to vagrant schoolmasters .
11 The second thing Artemis remembered was being put to bed very early , so early that tea had hardly been cleared .
12 A total of eight candidates had originally been registered for the presidential contest [ see pp. 38768-69 ] , but one , Joseph Estrada , had later decided to withdraw his candidature in favour of contesting the vice-presidency .
13 Other Latin American countries at various stages of the full or provisional accession process at the end of 1989 were El Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras and Paraguay ( for this last country see p. 36688 ) , while working parties had also been established on requests for accession by Tunisia ( which had acceded provisionally in 1960 ) , Bulgaria ( see p. 35030 ) and Algeria .
14 That tray had just been prepared for me personally by the cook !
15 Four political parties had already been allocated an exact number of seats in the Little Hural from party preferences returned during the July elections [ see table below ] .
16 A host of new political parties had already been formed in various parts of the Soviet Union [ for February-March 1990 multiparty elections in the Baltic republics see pp. 37299-300 ; 37321-22 ; for October elections in Georgia see below ] .
17 It was small wonder that anti-war and pacifist groups flourished in the labour movement of the time , though rarely among seamen and , it seems , hardly at all among their leaders , though initially " hating the Hun " was far from easy , for German seamen had long been colleagues and comrades , not only aboard ship , but also in organisations affiliated to the International Transport Workers ' Federation .
18 A 5th sheep belonging to a farmer in another field had also been attacked with a knife and beaten to death .
19 The commercial function had previously been subordinate to operations , and according to a manager involved , its philosophy was ‘ to sell what the operating departments produced ’ .
20 However , the NGC said this route had already been rejected , partly because it meant a concentration of lines at Norton .
21 A small step in this direction had already been taken by the Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908 , a response to a long-standing Liberal interest in the land question .
22 Within this category , Britoil , Enterprise Oil , and British Aerospace had already been privatized by 1986 , with British Airways and the British Airports Authority soon to follow .
23 And yet the end of the Second World War was such a celebration of the defeat of the fascist enemy that there was a failure to grasp the fact that the universal Enemy had merely been rehearsing for Armageddon .
24 In over thirty years , this condition had never been invoked . ’
25 From the despair in the parson 's eyes the doctor saw that this remedy had already been tried to no avail .
26 Wordsworth 's poetic fluency had never been greater , and the landscape near Tintern Abbey , revisited after an absence of five years , released from him a stream of meditative blank verse quite different in style from the humble poems of rural life he had been writing for the Lyrical Ballads .
27 This boy had never been in trouble with the law in his life .
28 The conditions were deliberately vague and even asked for suggestions regarding the siting of Westminster Bridge , although some work had already been carried out towards rebuilding the bridge on its existing site .
29 British Merseybeat had always been a no-go era .
30 From the 1840s public anxiety had also been focused on prostitution , the ‘ great social evil ’ , by studies from evangelical clerics and medics , and by rescue and reform societies campaigning for a police crackdown on the London streets .
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