Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] had [vb pp] some " in BNC.

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1 In Russia English merchants had gone some way south of Moscow , and trade was also being carried on in the Eastern Mediterranean or Levant .
2 I heard that an English scientist had done some useful work , so I decided to go to England .
3 Perhaps no pictorial revolution of the magnitude and depth of Cubism had been effected with such extreme rapidity , and during the years between 1907 and 1910 every few months had witnessed some radical change in the appearance of Cubist painting .
4 The last was set up in the seventies when apparently some defector had cast some doubt on Mills .
5 Another rifleman had bartered some of his Red Cross parcel for a loaf of bread ; ‘ The conditions of living and surviving had made us all as cunning as foxes ’ , so this rifleman that night slept with it under his neck , but someone crept up and cut off both the ends .
6 Carinish Court had aroused some people 's envy : that at least was true , even if Ralph had perhaps been mistaken about Johnny Redburn 's reaction to the place .
7 There were also hints that the West German government had paid some sort of ransom for Cordes .
8 But this system had undergone some important changes .
9 The gangling , boyish 28-year-old Canadian actor had made some impression as an innocent in The Flim Flam Man ( 1967 ) and as a Malibu beach bum in The Sweet Ride ( 1968 ) , and seemed to have promise .
10 Her second husband had died Some years before , and now she lived with her son , George Grimsdale and his two young children in a large house at Windsor — 37 Victoria Cottages .
11 Mr Laurie Mulrine , Darlington 's head of development control , said the car parking congestion around County Durham 's principal hospital had made some roads a deathtrap for pedestrians .
12 Too thinly spread to have much impact on the structure of wealth , so many were subsidiary to farming that , far from being divided into industrial and agrarian regions , England consisted of various farming regions of which certain pastoral ones had attained some degree of industrial development , in some few cases to the extent of substantially modifyng their fundamental characteristics .
13 His doubts about the relentlessness of Singapore 's Westernization and his relative sensitivity towards the concerns of the city state 's ethnic components had attracted some support .
14 From this tiny house had flowed some at least of the immortal words that the world had come to know as The Pickwick Papers .
15 They claimed that mid-week polls showing a large Labour lead had shocked some floating voters into the realisation that opting for the Liberal Democrats would let Mr Kinnock in by the back door .
16 First , previous experience had shown some topics to be successful in engaging speakers in interaction ( the danger of death question discussed in 3.1 is of this type ) .
17 A general wander up and down on a previous occasion had produced some interesting items , but I knew that the site had not seen past habitation .
18 Scientists of the Brazilian Institute for Space Research estimated that rainforest destruction in Brazil during the 1989 forest-burning season had totalled some 33,000 sq km by the end of August , compared with a total of 121,000 sq km for 1988 [ see also p. 36793 ] ; the burning season would not end until October .
19 Despite the aridities of scholastic philosophy , Hobbes did think that , over the centuries , the seeds of natural reason had borne some fruit .
20 The black eyes had recovered some spark of life , a question in them , as the old woman lay looking at her .
21 They were on the road again just before four , when the fierce pin-point sun had lost some of its bite .
22 The great office blocks of the 1890s had taken over that role , and the office-block stations had made some attempt to match them .
23 I whispered to Catherine that I was sure Heathcliff had heard some of what she said .
24 Hungarians understand perfectly well that this may be due to internal Romanian reasons — the Romanian army had played some part in the initial repression in Timisoara , but since it joined the rebellion this fact has been conveniently forgotten .
25 You said that the international press had written some disagreeable things about the opera ?
26 Of these 57 authorities , 32 had been Partnership or Programme councils , and the remainder had a lower status either as Other Designated Districts or benefited from the traditional Urban Programme from which very many councils had gained some , often limited resources .
27 In 1755 Rousseau 's discovery of the noble savage had made some men think twice before dismissing the barbaric out of hand , and Milton 's ‘ arched walks of twilight groves ’ were thought to resemble the aspiring arches of the Gothic church .
28 In 1791 , by the Treaty of Sistova , Belgrade was restored to Turkey , briefly reoccupied by Austria in 1789–92 , and was not formally surrendered until the last Turkish garrison withdrew in 1867 , although effective Turkish control had ceased some fifty years earlier .
29 Bradshaw and Millar found that about 85 per cent of all lone mothers had spent some time on income support since becoming a lone parent with 72 per cent still in receipt at the time of the interview .
30 Roger 's sunburnt face had lost some of its colour .
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