Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The last two releases in the Kings Quest series received a fairly mixed reception , and since the heady days when Sierra WERE GRAPHIC ADVENTURES there have been some very strong releases from the likes of Lucasfilms ( Loom , Secret of Monkey Island I and II , Indiana Jones ) , Westwood ( Legend of Kyrandia ) , and even some of the Role Playing Games from Origin ( Ultima VII and Ultima Underworlds ) and Sir Tech ( Crusaders of the Dark Savant ) .
2 At the end of the day it 's a political decision from the council of ministers , but it seems to be going there with a firm endorsement of support from the commission . ’
3 They will ‘ see ’ the woman who is crying as herself and not as some emotional ghost from the past .
4 Held at the Newton Davis Hall , Froyle , courtesy of Lord Mayor Treloar College , the concert featured eight musicians from the world famous Yehudi Menuhin School , and the expertise of radio and television broadcaster Martin Muncaster as master of ceremonies .
5 The Columnist of the Year award went to former MP Matthew Parris of The Times for his political sketches from the House of Commons and his regular column .
6 The foundation of victory was laid on a solid base from the pack which outweighed , outreached and outwitted the Welsh eight .
7 The new guidelines are bound to cause controversy because they effectively transfer the cost of agricultural support from the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food to the NCC and the national parks ' authorities , whose budgets are already stretched to breaking point .
8 With the drop in agricultural support from the EC and with the policy of Set Aside taking land out of farming production , local farmers should be encouraged to use their spare land in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty more sensitively .
9 ( Their complete records will be available in due course from the Secretary/Manager ) .
10 Just as I realised that we would have to abort our manoeuvre in view of the ship 's overhanging davits there was a loud exclamation from the man on deck , " I say , Cynthia , the captain 's got a blasted parrot on his shoulder . "
11 The camp at Kedos was some 300 miles away , but it was a pleasant change from the squalor of the previous month .
12 A pleasant change from the heat of Mespot , but with a deal of other diversions that I found easy enough to take .
13 Gavin , with an innocent air , carefully scraped up the worst of the burned shell from the stewpot , but then saw Luch watching ; somehow he found himself dropping the charred scraps into the fire , and ladling out some better meat .
14 The loop operates in the flat floored area of the lower level from the stage to the front of the tiered seating and is fed from signals from the existing amplification system and , therefore , can only be used in conjunction with that system .
15 He turned round , looking south and west , though he knew he could n't see the tall building from the street .
16 MIDDLESBROUGH Mohawks face a nervous wait for the safe arrival of Norman Findlay from the United States to boost their chances of lifting the Second Division championship at Wembley on Sunday .
17 We get a specific grant , sorry for the jargon , we get a specific grant from the Department of Health for all sorts of aspects of the management of our department and training our staff and so on .
18 There was a polite beeping from the Thing .
19 And a sickening stench of stale alcohol and stale smoke and an awful smell from the lavatories .
20 A cow or calf lost can reflect a high percentage of the total income from the farm .
21 Many co-op members are ex-wage labourers from the banana or sugar plantations or cattle ranches .
22 Finally , a possible change from the discussion paper which has not been made should also be recorded here .
23 The meeting approved the creation of a US$10,000 million development fund for Arab countries which had supported the coalition in the Gulf war and which had suffered economic damage from the war ; Egypt and Syria were likely to be the main beneficiaries .
24 Given that , at least in the first year of the new council tax , there will still be two-tier authorities in the shires , I hope that the Bill will be as tight as a drum to ensure that the tiered authorities that are not up for election do not use that freedom from the ballot box — as happened in Nottinghamshire with the poll tax — to wreck the council tax in the way that they wrecked the poll tax in its first year .
25 Consider two beautiful compositions with Athena : the Augean stables from the east ( fig. 121 ) , the Stymphalian birds from the west ( fig. 122 ) , both stories with a Peloponnesian setting .
26 A Turkish two-and-a-half-ton truck from the Host Nation Support Unit is parked outside , and several members of the Company , assisted by an Italian and a German soldier , are busy loading the truck with all manner of fresh produce .
27 He checked his watch ; fifty-five minutes from the time he had replaced the phone in Mr Patel 's fruit store .
28 There was a strong sweet earthy smell from the slopes of soil around its edges .
29 Emil gets little sympathy from the rest of the gang and then Clarence hits him with his car .
30 The left 's discomfort wins little sympathy from the Mr Jaroslaw Kaczynski , a Walesa loyalist whose choir-boy looks barely mask his ambition .
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