Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] at your [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Do n't worry or get frustrated , you should use the days ahead to take a second look at your international or community interests .
2 Once the removal date is confirmed , make advance arrangements for the disconnection of domestic appliances — and do n't forget to make similar arrangements at your new address .
3 Have a quick look at your right ear , your left one looks fine .
4 To compare the latest rates and conditions on children 's accounts , look at Blay 's Money Master monthly tables at your local reference library .
5 To compare the latest rates and conditions on children 's accounts , look at Blay 's Money Master monthly tables at your local reference library .
6 To compare the latest rates and conditions on children 's accounts , look at Blay 's Money Master monthly tables at your local reference library .
7 You could organise a large event at your local park or a sponsored ramble in the country ; or you could simply leave the car at home and get people to sponsor your walk to the station .
8 Look out for these leaflets at your local Spectrum stockist .
9 You must still plan your timing to these points at your estimated groundspeed .
10 Then someone said , ‘ Should n't you like a closer look at your little brother ? ’ and she realized oh , make it not true — that he was her brother …
11 There are many useful leaflets at your local social security office and sometimes in your local post office , library and Citizens ' Advice Bureau .
12 You see a stunning fish at your local shop — but it 's priced at £350 .
13 Advice on courses provided by individual health boards and colleges of nursing can be obtained from this address , but if you have a particular query concerning local provision you can either contact your local college of nursing direct , or write to the chief nursing officer at your local health board for clarification .
14 If you would like to undertake a course in Northern Ireland you are advised to contact the director of nurse education at your local college of nursing , or write to the chief administrative nursing officer at your local health board for details of local initiatives .
15 Nevertheless , it is still worthwhile trying to take a strategic look at your present and future recruitment needs .
16 THE STEP METHOD — Count the number of steps that you take in one minute at your normal walking speed .
17 As a regular and valued customer at your local Shell station we are pleased to be able to offer you or your company the opportunity to apply for the Shell Account Card .
18 Hotel accommodation with Dutch breakfast at your selected grade of hotel : all service charges are included .
19 Hotel accommodation with Dutch breakfast at your selected grade of hotel in Amsterdam , The Hague or Delft : all service charges included .
20 Hotel accommodation with Dutch breakfast at your selected grade of hotel , all service charges included .
21 You can contact your Social Services Occupational Therapist at your local Social Services Office — Address at the end of the Book .
22 My advice would be to telephone the genito-urinary clinic at your local hospital , or elsewhere if you prefer , and make an appointment for a check-up ( no doctor 's letter needed ) .
23 If you are moving from a place other than a shared home for which you had no personal responsibility , you will need to cancel the milk and newspapers for ever , and organise new deliveries at your new address .
24 You sorted it out and settled it ten years ago , but now you are facing it as a new problem at your present age .
25 Sir : Had today 's date been 1 April many readers like myself would have nodded with quiet pleasure at your splendid little follow-up about Thatchergate ( 4 October ) .
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