Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] are [v-ing] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Bosnian Serbs are using humanitarian aid as a military weapon and the Bosnian government and Croatian groups are using it as a political weapon . ’
2 A truck waits on the shore to return us to the world of air-conditioners , crisp white sheets and hot showers , a world sustained by the river , and one whose insatiable demands are destroying it .
3 Completion of the plant has been bitterly opposed by environmental campaigners , who criticise the government for favouring nuclear power at a time when other European nations are phasing it out .
4 Other companies prefer , you know , they 've got to be able to cope , but you , you , you know , you read various things that are said , and some companies are taking it much , much more seriously , and they 're realising the problems right the way down , right through the whole company that stress is causing , and trying to save money .
5 ‘ May I remind you that one of the largest groups receiving social security are receiving it not because they are neglecting their duty , but because they are doing it ?
6 The phrase itself suggests the uncertainty of what is claimed , and in any case directs attention away from the content to the fact that some people are claiming it — in other words the human element is the focus of attention .
7 There is evidence that the high incidence of unemployment amongst black people will make housing conditions , especially overcrowding , worse as young unemployed people are finding it difficult to move out after marriage and set up their own homes ( Brah , 1986 ) .
8 I understand that there is a bomb scare , and that hon. Members are finding it difficult to get access to the Lobbies .
9 Some congressmen are pushing it to sell the rest as fast as it can .
10 Despite major record labels making the customary silly noises , for the moment Raw Stylus are doing it their way , playing out with a full eight-piece line-up .
11 Small wonder that only four months after the Berlin Wall came down East German satirists are finding it hard not to be outdone by reality .
12 The United States department of defence is currently looking at using multi media to train reservists , and a few publishers are using it as an exciting new media for publishing encyclopaedias .
13 Similarly , some of the bigger employers are finding it impossible to attract young workers on to their YTS schemes .
14 Anyway , have n't you seen how canny Labour and the Liberal Democrats are playing it on a pact between the two of them ?
15 Oh , I 've no doubt that somewhere down the line these things are are built it , but what I 'm saying is that the majority of dealers these days are including it within the package and saying look this vehicle comes with it completely because there is such erm a demand for this erm type of insurance .
16 Many families these days are finding it very hard to make ends meet .
17 These pressures are making it increasingly difficult to reconcile enjoyment of the parks ' natural beauty with conservation , according to the commission .
18 Handling and storage are n't simple , either — the choices for natural gas are compressing it to 200-plus bars or liquefying at -167deg C. Liquefied propane is easier to handle and already accepted , particularly in places like cold stores , where toxic exhaust build-up would be tricky .
19 WOMEN 'S monthly magazines are battling it out in an extremely competitive market .
20 Now Hector 's is in the limelight not only in New Zealand but also internationally , as efforts to save this unique species are making it one of the conservation success stories of the world .
21 Because you do n't know how big a share is until you know how many people are sharing it .
22 Many anglers are hailing it as the most significant advance in fishing tackle during the past 20 years and Dave Chilton , the man who has popularised its use , believes that the line , made from the world 's strongest man-made fibre ( Lancia uses it to strengthen the internal bodywork of its cars ) , may revolutionise all branches of the sport .
23 Now budget-holding GPs are finding it quicker and far cheaper to do the job themselves .
24 Two old Rolling Thunderites are getting it together to house mini ramps of varying sizes inside a place off Old Street .
25 Those cars are chasing it , do you think ? ’ said Angalo .
26 We know from an HMI report of last year that more than three quarters of our secondary schools are finding it difficult to deliver the national curriculum because they do not have properly qualified staff in every subject .
27 The library at St Edwards School , Oxford , and two sixth formers are finding it hard to concentrate on their work .
28 More and more women are going it alone , and men are rendered homeless by housing allocation policies which do not account for the needs of the single and childless .
29 This Bill is the flagship of the Government 's legislative programme , and Labour Members are opposing it hook , line and sinker .
30 erm so er tt I think the other thing that 'll be nice if erm er given , if the first years are filling it in er in about a week and a half 's time , if we could if you could try and bash some of the data in fairly rapidly so that , you know kind of before the end of term we can , you know , kind of give them a brief digest of how , what , what the results were
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