Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that he be " in BNC.

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1 Erm so I think it 's important to realize as I said before with er with you know with the ma mah-jongg or whatever and opium smoking , you know that he 's , it 's not just a political struggle that he 's
2 ‘ To get back to Sir Conrad , sir , and taking as a working hypothesis that he was murdered by an insider , I would welcome your advice on what might have been the motive . ’
3 Some support for this interpretation may be found in the fact that section 5 affords a speaker or actor the specific defence that he was unaware and had no reason to suspect that his conduct may have been witnessed , and it would be anomalous if there were no similar defence for the more serious offence .
4 But he told the bishop at a private interview that he was depressed about preaching , he felt the people to be so remote from the practice of religion .
5 If I drop the action now it will be a clear admission that he was right , that I 'm not fit to work here . ’
6 Is that on the cards , or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all ?
7 He was warned by another constable that he was liable to be arrested for obstruction if he persisted , which he did .
8 He said that he and Karen could have , he said at the present prices he and this Karen that he 's , that left him er they , they could have had erm a place together because some one bedroom flats , two bedroom flats around are going at thirty five thousand , thirty one .
9 And now Faldo is primed to show the rest of the world 's top golfers that he is the undisputed champion .
10 The Special Branch had known for some weeks that he was in Germany .
11 It may have been during this period that he was supported by a canonry in St Peter 's , to which he later referred as pope .
12 Chapple-Hyam has warned for some days that he is reluctant to risk Rodrigo de Triano , winner of the English and Irish 2,000 Guineas , on soft ground .
13 This , this group that he 's so fascinated by .
14 ‘ There is no legal justification whatever ’ , he thundered , ‘ in saying that Meehan was wrongly convicted , and having heard all the evidence in this case , you might well have come to the clear conclusion that he was in fact rightly convicted . ’
15 Clive had got so used to being able to fool everyone in this circle that he was unnerved by her obvious clear-sightedness .
16 It was for his contribution to social reform that he is most remembered .
17 There is some evidence that he was involved in the negotiations for property , and he certainly became associated publicly with the great success of the firm .
18 What if she could uncover some evidence that he was n't the paragon of virtue her mother blindly worshipped ?
19 When he split up with his wife , a while before , she spread some damaging stories about him , and I think the college was secretly quite relieved to have some evidence that he was het after all .
20 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
21 MARCO VAN BASTEN gave further evidence that he is one of football 's most lethal strikers with a devastating performance for AC Milan .
22 When he dropped the name of Princess Diana into conversations — she would soon be the Foundation 's patron , he claimed — they took this as further evidence that he was committed to his charity work .
23 And the fact that he seemed to accept the failure of his play , which in previous years would have depressed and unnerved him , is further evidence that he was now a more sanguine man .
24 In fact , close examination of the theatre score reveals that all but one of the string passages in Purcell 's own handwriting were initially written as a two-part skeleton , to which he subsequently added the inner parts using a different mix of ink — further evidence that he was either composing directly into the manuscript , or , at best , copying from mere sketches .
25 Does he say of someone who does not have this character that he is ‘ not loyal ’ , in order to express lack of approval of him , or does he say that he is loyal , but seek to negate the usual valuational meaning of the word , by inserting some adverb like ‘ deplorably ’ before it ?
26 Other such terms , for example free , as in ‘ then we were free ’ , certainly had reference to the past , but carried direct contemporary reference : a man would say of another , ‘ he is a free man ’ , and mean that he took no orders from a superior ; and a man ( asked about his own occupation ) might say with some pride that he was a ‘ free Zuwayi ’ ( zuwayi hurr ) , and imply his condition was closer to the old days than that of most of those he saw around him .
27 Now I supported Prescott , I must say I voted for him for the er for deputy leader , right , but I think he 's wrong , right , on this particular issue , this compromise that he 's floating and I think it should be dropped .
28 It 's just , they just announced this morning that he 's , and he 's asked to go .
29 Finally , speaking in a low voice , the boy said : ‘ There 's something you do n't know : dad told me this morning that he was in bed when I got home last night . ’
30 Gloucester 's success implies a more effective use of the patronage at his disposal , and there are some suggestions that he was running the duchy in his own interests .
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