Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] over [num] years " in BNC.

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1 But the creation of the European Community over 30 years ago was inspired by the idea of no more war in Europe .
2 His words are as familiar to Soviet schoolchilden as Cromwell 's ‘ In the name of God , go ’ to the Long Parliament over 250 years earlier , is to us .
3 A collection of vintage farm machinery built up by one man over thirty years is to be auctioned off tomorrow.The field full of equipment includes tractors shipped over from America in the nineteen forties to help the British war effort.Richard Barnett reports :
4 As a handy visual rundown of rock'n'roll heritage , as a gallery of photographic brilliance , or as an ordnance survey map of the NME 's changing landscape over 40 years , the covers provide a rich and colourful parade of faces , fads , guitars , deserts , baseball caps , and people 's backs .
5 Houghton suggests 80–100 issues over 5–7 years for hardbacks and 30–40 issues for paperbacks .
6 This is a personal perspective which is a considered opinion drawn from eighteen months of researches and over a hundred interviews , and built upon my own experiences over twenty years of what constitutes good science .
7 In fact , the reader will seek in vain for an explanation of just how the column-inches in 2 million articles in local American newspapers over 12 years are converted into the 10 ‘ megatrends ’ .
8 Bunzl , the parent company of Jarrow-based Filtrona , has agreed to donate a further £25,000 to The Newcastle Initiative 's Cruddas Park project bring the company 's total contribution over three years to £75,000 .
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