Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] look to the " in BNC.

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1 Labour candidates looked to the record of reform .
2 The German model looked to the elevation of mind being attained by the student in personal pursuit of knowledge .
3 The key civil servants look to the Prime Minister , and the Prime Minister is able to decide which civil servants will hold the most important positions in the departments .
4 REEVES GABRELS Bowie 's right-hand sonic terrorist looks to the future …
5 The women were often contrasted with the men and the children , the first representing the cares of the past and the present , while the husbands and little ones looked to the future , full of hope .
6 Stochastic theories look to the statistics of the situation and ask what type of statistical processes will generate the observed result .
7 But still the English persisted , while all France looked to the siege .
8 A Labour movement looking to the 1990s would have been been debating single union , no-strike deals and profit-related payment systems rather than how best to call strikes and whether a system of labour tribunals was needed to compensate for the supposed bias of the capitalist courts .
9 Meanwhile , the cessation of major hostilities left the northern English border exposed to endemic raids and marauding : the northern magnates looked to the crown for help to repulse and extinguish these threats .
10 New-style Conservatism looks to the likes of Lord Hanson to do the job — but amassing a personal fortune is not creating national wealth .
11 Whereas once the working class might have looked to the middle classes for an example of probity and upright behaviour , now the middle classes looked to the working class as the custodians of vanishing tradition and folk culture .
12 It could be done in less than a week by men working with vigour , and mostly they did , for their own new lands looked to the forts for protection and warning .
13 Morel directed the local branches to look to the ( non-militant ) suffrage societies for support .
14 The local authority committee member tends to go in dread of anything which may scandalise the electorate , voluntary organisations look to the man in the street for approval and funding .
15 Christian writers look to the future in Bangladesh
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