Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] as you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Please leave this field as you would wish to find it , ’ it said .
2 There are , however , not so many medieval houses as you might expect to find .
3 My next task is to find some printing As you can see printing ink is delivered both in tins and if we have any left there may be somewhere , in tubes .
4 Um nevertheless er there 's a fundamental distinction made by most authors that to include children , to include apparently emotionally immature people , in sexual relationships as you would with adults is is fundamentally abusive .
5 So off he went in high dudgeons as you can imagine you know , red-faced , excited .
6 Being a good and persuasive talker is a must for this work as you may have to get up and speak at a sales conference or at an agency presentation .
7 Having narrowed the field , do a tour of the shops and try as many different models as you can , keeping a watchful eye on such things as good picture definition and colour , no picture ‘ jitter ’ ( unsteadiness ) , and good sound recording with low hiss and mechanical noise pick-up .
8 Reinforced concrete is an example , and is not as irrelevant to motorised transport as you might think .
9 I 'm not quite as rigidly confined by this spell as you may have hoped . ’
10 The year went reasonably well but there were of course a few difficulties as you would expect from a new organisation .
11 Genuinely working-class , writing in the ‘ thirties , when there 's not as much interesting stuff as you might think .
12 You round up as many others — nurses , patients , whatever — as possible and get them together in as few rooms as you can .
13 I am not flavour of the week in some quarters as you may well imagine .
14 The N tuple method takes a totally different approach as you will see .
15 Find out how to say ‘ Hello ’ in as many different languages as you can and use coloured pens to write the words on the bookmark .
16 My first tip for the wise traveller is pack as many old newspapers as you can , up to the maximum permitted weight .
17 The VGA graphics used are colourful and in high resolution as you would expect .
18 Some might think Langholm an unlikely location for a PLC head office — about as far from the madding crowd as you could get .
19 Use as much extended RAM as you can afford , up to 2048k , but in any case do not try to use less than 256k. 80386/486 based machines
20 This is the most interesting way as you can then follow through the complete life-cycle of the butterfly .
21 Remember , it only costs £1 a class and all the money is going to a very worthy cause , so why not enter as many different events as you can .
22 And I have a very strong extended family as you might expect of a half Italian , mother always cooking pasta and what have you at home .
23 You your criticising the the government is not giving you as much grant as you would like .
24 To be fair to yourself you should be certain that you are bringing in as much money as you should .
25 Just aim at giving as much variety as you can manage and sooner or later she 'll want to try other foods again .
26 Your aim , though , is not simply to lose as much weight as you can in as short a time as possible .
27 Protection , too , thanks to the many thin cracks and cracklets seaming the rock , is plentiful and both pitches will obligingly swallow just about as much gear as you can carry .
28 So you are about as far away from absolute egalitarianism as you can get , you are actually enshrining
29 Birds possess a similar skill as you will discover if you try to dismantle even the untidiest and most apparently haphazard of twig nests .
30 The house band and the musical instruments he gathers together here — drawn variously from the ranks of primitive innovator Harry Partch and his disciple Tom Waits — are as far from normal as you can get , as far from easy listening as you could be and go right to the psychic core of the Mingus muse .
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