Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] from [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 If this flow could be transported to North Wales , it would stand half as high as Snowdon ; if it could be transported to Surrey , it would be half as high again as the highest hill , and , such is the attraction of all high objects from mountains to the cost of living , it would be an important landmark , regularly thronged in summer with picnickers and ramblers , and would feature on scores of postcards .
2 This redistribution from creditors to debtors may well affect overall consumption plans in the economy .
3 After watching the growth of this fish from ¼″ to 10″ , I 'll keep it until it leaves naturally .
4 He was looking at her with faint amusement in his eyes , one eyebrow slightly raised , and she became aware that he was quite used to this reaction from women to his undoubted charisma .
5 Several recent assured tenancy issues featured non-recourse loans from banks to shareholders .
6 RITCHIE TAYLOR , a junior All Blacks centre , has helped to transform Bridgwater and Albion this season from strugglers to winners of a promotion and cup double .
7 It will show Edinburgh life and Edinburgh backgrounds quite tellingly ; and in a very different context from Tickets to the Zoo .
8 They had a mass of worthless artefacts from crowns to Papal tiaras that they hired out .
9 The fenestral discovery , incidentally , also filled in a missing link to provide a 300 million year sequence of fossils showing a smooth evolution from reptiles to mammals .
10 The unit currently teaches around 21 children from babies to young schoolchildren .
11 Experts from 25 different agencies will be on hand with information about health care for all ages from babies to pensioners , at the event at St Peter 's Church , Rock Ferry , on Thursday from 10.30am to 6pm .
12 When you feel ready ( after at least five minutes of lying quietly and breathing normally ) have a good stretch from fingertips to toes before slowly getting up .
13 ‘ We are switching five instrument and five electrical technicians from days to the five shifts , ’ said Ian Mincher .
14 That is true of all things from falls to road traffic accidents to assaults and assaults with weapons , ’ said Dr Little .
15 Others in shopping malls followed as David managed to persuade his mother that such locations were essential in America because of the long distances from homes to towns .
16 All stages from eggs to adults must be capable of withstanding low environmental temperatures ; eggs especially have to be cold-resistant throughout the winter .
17 One of the turning points was the schools boycott movement in the early 1980s , initiated by the black student movements , which left many thousands of black children from seven-year-olds to teenagers effectively out of school for several years .
18 A hastily assembled group of the famous 75s had been pushed forward on to Froideterre , and its lethal barrage had given one of the fresh divisions of XX Corps just enough time to move up through the ebbing debris of de Bonneval 's 37th African Division and establish a firm line from Bras to Haudromont .
19 Nevertheless , the code is universal : that is , GGC is translated as glycine in all organisms from viruses to man , and similarly for the other triplets .
20 50 artists from beginners to professionals
21 As Gwenellen now worked in the Out Patients Department , which closed at 6 P.M. from Mondays to Fridays and at 12.30 on Saturdays , she was enjoying one of the most envied and regular off-duty shifts in the hospital .
22 Other runners waved , but there was no more reaction from pedestrians to the eccentric prospect we must present than there is in Britain .
23 It is envisaged that the investigation officer would be a legal officer in the Civil Service with special training , who would take full statements from parties to the dispute and any key witnesses and inspect all the documentation relevant to the case .
24 As most of their expansion had been in transport sectors , it was a natural step for them to try switching production from trucks to tanks .
25 In many ways , it is only a short step from communications to IT and , with every year that passes , the gap is closing .
26 In the case of definite pronouns , we have shown that mapping from roles to roles and from roles to names can be influenced by manipulating the experimental task and , presumably subjects ' perception of it .
27 The conditional projections made in 1969 by David Butler and Donald Stokes about the differential fertility — death rates between the social classes , combined with the transmission of political loyalties from parents to children — appeared to make Labour a natural majority party .
28 Toxic emissions from lorries to " rise considerably "
29 In addition to finding that many Boroughs actually made a profit from council house rents , and thus subsidized ratepayers , they found that the highest transfer from rates to council housing was no less than 443 per cent above average .
30 Two other people were taken to hospital , one suffering from burns to the hands and the other from heat exhaustion and breathing difficulties after the fire at the Sun Valley works in Grandstand Road , Hereford .
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