Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that something [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even though you have checked things over thoroughly , there is always the distinct possibility that something electrical will pack up over the Christmas period .
2 There is objective evidence that something odd did happen near Roswell in 1947 .
3 It has seemed to us for a long time that something special about Foxton Locks and Inclined Plane is called for , and this is an attempt to meet that need .
4 On 5th September 1974 came the first indication that something new and more sinister than the ‘ numbers game ’ was afoot .
5 The historical texts were confined to enumerating the kings who lived in those troubled years and do not give any indication that something important was occurring at that time .
6 We in the childrens services have known for two years that something more must be done and we must pay our staff more .
7 For the true little-magazine sense that something wonderful or crass can happen on any page , you have to turn to chancier ventures , such as the new quarterly , Mediterraneans ( £7.99 or £22 per year from Didsbury Press , 7 Darley Avenue , Didsbury , Manchester M20 8XE ) .
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