Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And in this sense , when we liberate South Africa we will also create , we hope a state in the world which will become foremost in fighting racism all over the world and at the lower level our community based organizations our non-governmental organizations that have across colour built up structures to move communities forward if our friends in Eastern Europe and elsewhere could see how that is done at grass roots level in the hell of racism as I say they would have a lot to learn .
2 If careful attention is paid to the function of modules in relation to the overall structure of the software , as well as to the production method , the number of different combinations that have to be managed can be drastically reduced .
3 The remedial action that had to be taken was painful in the extreme but it saved ICI Fibres and put it in a position of strength for the future .
4 Although the Victoria was not an especially large establishment , it backed onto an old warehouse that had at one time been split down the middle and then divided up into a series of small rooms that all opened onto a single long corridor .
5 Severe reactions were encountered on two occasions to citrus fruits ( high in salicylate ) but further progress was hampered by obstruction at the old anastomosis that had to be refashioned in 1986 .
6 When the law starts coming along , it brings in another factor that has to be contended with .
7 With only a degree of oversimplification , his general conclusion can be summarised as saying that whatever is happening in the built environment will eventually be resolved to the benefit of the undifferentiated interests of capital in general , even if that resolution generates further problems that have to be resolved in turn .
8 Another layer that had to be pierced was the mystique that surrounded Rock and Ice routes .
9 I 've got it , I 'm only going by what Betty wrote little things in erm this book that has to be done .
10 As a technology expert Vine-Lott takes no pleasure in saying that he warned that Taurus , the paperless sharedealing scheme that had to be abandoned earlier this year at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds was never going to work the way it was being developed .
11 Versions of the traditional hornpipe danced by sailors of many nationalities are featured in many ballets because it is so descriptive of the very particular way in which seamen walk and do the many different jobs that have to be done on any kind of boat .
12 It has been shown that it is in situations where a number of design teams are working on separate projects that have to be mechanically joined , that the majority of assembly errors occur .
13 Local councillor Edmund Pearson said : ‘ This is the most crucial decision that has to be made since the land became used for sport . ’
14 Leeds had two early attempts that had to be well-saved , but from the Guardian and Radio 5 reports Sunderland were well worth their win .
15 The Royal Commissions and official committees of inquiry have maintained a reticence on such matters that has at times made their recommendations Appear naïve — as if one could consider the reorganisation of Political institutions in isolation from politics !
16 ‘ I 'm not sure exactly how much relevance that has to visitors , ’ he said .
17 The land-based multi-warhead er missiles is a real issue that has to be tackled , er and they may either go for , this is very much up in the air , go for er distinct cuts in er Start one , or they may talk about limitations and then go for a Start two treaty .
18 One reason why these categories have proved of little practical value is that particular individuals may shift from one to another over the course of time , a fact which also illustrates an additional distinction that has to be made in describing schizophrenia .
19 ‘ I used to sit around between training and after meals and that meant putting on extra pounds that had to be worked off .
20 Within that first fraction of potential benefit , I classified the endorsement of ‘ science ’ in place of the separate sciences that have for so long unbalanced or distorted the secondary curriculum ; the opportunity to rethink the nature and role of technology ; and the challenge to begin planning , for all secondary students , a foundation course in a foreign language .
21 Er , My Lord we will obviously calculate such interest that has to be calculated er and figures have to be sorted out and will be agreed if that is appropriate , er and we 'll also consider whether it 's proper er to seek to achieve a structured settlement .
22 Next to a spectacular variegated honesty that has to be sown from seed are a rare Acanthus dioscoridis and a Helleborus abchasicus .
23 In the material analysed in this chapter there are occasions when interpretation calls for attention to the clues given by specific words ( as in examples c.2 , c.3 , and h.3 ) , to unusual syntax ( as in examples c.1 and g.1 ) , to unstated shifts that have to be inferred ( as in category h ) , and to a variety of quite subtle clues to the sources of speech and thought .
24 In the event , wiser counsels prevailed ; the proposals that had emerged by the summer of 1989 from the subject working parties and the National Curriculum Council were far from being the national syllabuses that had at first seemed likely .
25 This was , this is what I call an optimistic view , and this was Rousseau 's view of human nature , that basically people were good , and er , cooperative , and it was the bad things in human nature that had to be explained , not the good .
26 It took a long time to break away from the idea that children were at best potentially evil and indolent , that they were little pitchers that had to be filled with information and moral guidance before they filled themselves with wickedness , idleness , and nonsense .
27 There are two basic assumptions that have to be made if we wish to infer from this that X causes Y .
28 If you and your children have always talked together on all kinds of subjects , you may find it easier to sit down and talk reasonably and quietly about some of the hard decisions that have to be made .
29 So she was surprised , and vaguely annoyed , to see Sandra Bamfield picking her way cautiously over the large rocks that had to be scaled to get to the privacy of this particular beach .
30 He also points to the ecological problems that this industrialisation of farming and forestry has brought about , to the increased reliance that has to be placed on chemical pest and disease control under monocultures .
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