Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that have [be] " in BNC.

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1 The regional policies that have been developed , refined and improved in Britain in the past quarter of a century owe a great deal to the foresight of then Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in deciding to send Lord Hailsham , as he is now , to the north-east to make some progress .
2 The dark , sticky mass that had been Dominic Wetherby 's head .
3 Following reconsideration of each issue in the light of comments received , the IASC issued a Statement of Intent on the comparability of financial statements in July 1990 , which sets out 21 E 32 proposals which will be incorporated in revised IASs without substantive changes , and five E 32 proposals that have been deferred pending further work on financial instruments .
4 They have a very strong smell that has been likened to a variety of disagreeable substances , from stale sweat to rotten onions .
5 As a control , sections from all patient and control lungs were stained with ET-1 antiserum that had been immunoabsorbed with synthetic ET-1 overnight at 4°C , or incubated with normal goat serum instead of the primary antisera .
6 And then she said : ‘ Mebbe he 's one of that gang that has been holding up grocery stores . ’
7 The tide would carry them inland at least two miles and possibly three before they were beached on the first low ridge that had been the coastline a million years before the birth of Christ .
8 We shall start with a description of the banking system , and then proceed to consider the types of monetary policies that have been used in recent years , and their effects .
9 However , in 1971 Gerard 't Hooft showed that a unified model of the electromagnetic and weak interactions that had been proposed earlier by Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg was indeed renormalizable with only a finite number of infinite subtractions .
10 I have already explained , I think three times , in the hearing of President Delors why this Government are not prepared to put at risk the striking progress that has been made in industrial relations in this country since 1979 .
11 Er , so i it 's er changes of that kind that have been looked at because if you move production work out of one nation into the other to get a nice rationalised allocation of work , you build this wing , you build that wing and so on , you then have got to do something with the minor components to get back to you original erm work share allocation and percentage times .
12 Saints did show the free-running , slick football that has been their trademark this season late in the second half .
13 We killed time by looking at classic cars that had been driven by classic car ‘ lovers ’ as they called themselves all the way from southern Italy .
14 In 1962 H. H. Hess , of Princeton University in the USA , published a radical explanation for much of the geological data that had been accumulating over the previous decade or so .
15 Editor , — Paradoxical pain is a new and confusing term that has been defined in different ways .
16 It arranged with the manufacturers that he would be allowed to see technical data that had been carefully doctored to include major errors .
17 just full of bloody cars that had been confiscated !
18 Thus , from the late 1970s parts of Sheffield began , very rapidly , to experience that deterioration of the economic fabric that has been felt in other parts of the county of South Yorkshire for much longer ( Walker 1981 ) .
19 It is arms races of this kind that have been mainly responsible for the apparently progressive quality of evolution , for the evolution of ever-improved running speed , flying skill , acuity of eyesight , keenness of hearing , and so on .
20 W what I go for are two major points I think which actually demonstrate the fallaciousness of this budget that has been proposed to us as an amendment .
21 There are some projects that have been offered to us and there are a couple of tracks just sitting there which have Freddie 's vocal on — not much , but maybe two or three songs . ’
22 It should be realised that the explosion of extreme-right support that has been a feature of most western European countries in greater or lesser degree throughout the 1980s is far from a totally homogeneous phenomenon .
23 Moreover , the two extreme interpretations of the origins of social policies that have been mentioned do not exhaust the range of possibilities .
24 The social provision that had been Britain 's thank-offering to an expectant postwar world after 1945 had left the problem of poverty , in some respects , remarkably and alarmingly unaffected .
25 Some of the nomes scouted around the sheds and came back with a few vegetables that had been missed , but it was a pitifully small amount .
26 As part of a wider plan to restore Naples ' historic centre and bring back into public use an artistic and historical heritage that has been shut up and neglected for too long , the Soprintendenza per i Beni Artistici e Storici in Naples has announced a programme of restoration of twenty-six churches to start on 5 December .
27 The ceremony at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum was for the presentation of an old Spitfire that had been hauled out of an English lake and identified as belonging to 71 Squadron the first of the Eagle squadrons formed from American volunteers back in 1940 .
28 On the issue of Selby which er took quite a lot of time er I think it was an important area er bearing in mind the different views that have been expressed .
29 It is ironically at the points at which Lévi-Strauss and Barthes transgress ‘ structuralism ’ that their work is most successful ; when they produce inspired accounts of the hidden meanings of cultural forms that have been taken for granted .
30 As I crouched in the slit trench in the semi-darkness I could hear the odd British shell that had been intended for the Germans but had dropped short in the orchard explode with a terrific roar close at hand , causing a shower of dirt to fall from the roof of the trench .
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