Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] that [vb past] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the total chaos that followed their introduction there was a conspicuous lack of corpses .
2 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
3 And each cough that forced its way past his throat brought with it more of the bright frothy blood , which dribbled from the corners of his mouth faster than his red-soaked handkerchief could mop it up .
4 My grandmother is a keen birdwatcher and she 'd already introduced me to a lot of the different birds that visited her bird-table , telling me what they ate and showing me their nests and explaining how they were made and what they were made of .
5 But now suddenly he came out with it violently , almost in the manner of Hotspur himself over-riding some constraint that tied his tongue :
6 American banks will need years to recover from the now souring loans to property developers and leveraged buy-outs that followed their third-world lending .
7 Ironically , it was Artemesia 's horrendous experience that gave her talent focus , strength and direction — hence her paintings of heroic women and paintings that capture the disturbing sense of sexual threat and graphic display of woman 's vengence — voicing Artemesia Gentileschi 's own anger and rage . ’
8 Inside , her organs twined about each other unnaturally , her bones softened and grew functionless knobs that breached her skin .
9 I powered up gradually , settling into an easy , long-paced stride that got my lungs working properly and readied my legs .
10 And they got their wish — one goal against Sweden in a 2-1 defeat that ended their Championship .
11 Neither was she aware of the mumbled words that passed her lips as the hours went by , nor of the method he used to warm her when she started to shiver again .
12 old tunes that soothed my baby sister
13 They 're people whose lives have been shattered by the incest or other sexual abuse that engulfed their childhood and darkened their lives thereafter .
14 Walking beside her now , he prayed she would not notice the peculiar tic that jerked his face into a spasm of nervous twitches and always made her so terribly angry .
15 For him , the provinces made sense not as descriptive units but as products of a historical process that explained their existence in purely natural terms .
16 Airhead , especially , put on an impressive live showing of reliable pop that belied their rather ordinary singles .
17 And to eat there — how she longed to , to drop the few years that made her different from Cad , to lose the ripeness and rotundities that would always make her different from Cati , who was , really , almost boy-like with her stringbean limbs , yet not quite boyish either , angelic rather ; she was not afflicted with the need Rosa felt , the gap opening inside her , where a longing for something other than what lay within her sights sat in occupation , banging her drum and marking out a new rhythm and new steps for Rosa 's spinning wants , calling down the corridors of Rosa 's body to her innermost inguinal life , till her blood rang to the beat .
18 Because of the show 's alternation between historical tales and science fiction adventures , it happened that Barry Newbery wound up doing most of the stories in Earth 's past , while Raymond Cusick got the bulk of the sf material — an on-going process that tested his imagination to the limits .
19 That was the only light moment that came my way on that trek .
20 To the left , he could only at first see his own garden , his tennis court , the old wall that screened his vegetables — to eat what one has grown , actually to eat that ! — but then , across a low hedge and a fence that needed repair , he found he could see into the garden of the new Rectory , whose impersonal little back windows faced the same way as his own .
21 Question time The BBC is still under attack from old Thatcherism that sapped its morale and split its audiences .
22 Sarah Fleming answered the few questions that came her way with concise intelligence .
23 Now what 's the question you can ask this hairdresser that got his own bus , I know I 'm using a , a an extreme
24 He smiled , a slow , charming smile that made her blood turn to water .
25 Overall the closer ties between European partners have been welcomed by a French salesforce that lost its manufacturing base at Calais .
26 In a week or so weather and growth would have sealed up again all the raw edges that betrayed its use .
27 There he halted , staring down into the flames , but his stillness had a taut , barely restrained quality that kept her heart beating much too fast , and though he seemed totally absorbed in the glowing fire Isabel sensed he was aware of her every movement .
28 Lou had allowed her coal-black hair to grow into a softer , more feminine style that flattered her small features .
29 There was something about this man that set her pulses racing .
30 Nothing in the three villagers ' long but sheltered past could have prepared them for the horrendous sight that met their eyes .
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