Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] he [verb] made " in BNC.

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1 Will the Prime Minister therefore tell us what specific proposals he has made for supporting economic projects in the republics of the former Soviet Union , particularly in the distribution industries , which are obviously of basic importance to economic growth and to the development of markets ?
2 For some years he had made a practice of writing to government departments about the grievances of seamen , addressing these also to prominent persons and sending copies to the press .
3 A similar exercise has been undertaken by Karlsson whose work we shall refer to again because of the interesting comments he has made about his observations from a genetics viewpoint .
4 A wooden scooter he 'd made tipped me over the handlebars on its maiden voyage and he picked it up and smashed it to smithereens against a lamp-post , as if it were a cobra that had just delivered a fatal bite .
5 Within three and a half seconds he 'd made a couple of marks on the paper and shoved it back .
6 Since then she had searched and searched , her curiosity unflagging , trying to catch him out — to find some small part of this world he had made that was n't finished .
7 Ivan had given it to him , with the wooden doll he 'd made for Valeria .
8 This was the longest speech he had made .
9 In the gasping aftermath ? he had no idea of where he was nor how much noise he had made .
10 The boy repeated none of the simple errors he had made first time round .
11 To have had to practically beg the man to cooperate with him , and now be faced with the God-awful mess he 'd made of it .
12 In the back of the taxi he snuffled contentedly at some ( he thought ) particularly witty riposte he had made to some piece of boyish impertinence from 3B in the final period of the day .
13 It helps him to work out present and expected sales , and to find out how much profit he has made .
14 Even now that his father was aware of his activities , it would not be the same ; only she knew the appalling effort he had made , only she had read the manuscript through and appreciated the clarity of his prose and the honesty of his outlook .
15 Sandison remembered some vague promise he had made about leaving the city when he was satisfied that Elsie was indeed alive and well .
16 It is the second fortune he has made from the carpet-retailing business , after being forced out of his Harris Queensway chain nearly five years ago .
17 It is the second fortune he has made from the carpet-retailing business , after being forced out of his Harris Queensway chain nearly five years ago .
18 In that moment he had made up his mind .
19 Three times he had made it clear to MacDonald that he did not wish to accept his resignation — on the morning of Sunday 23 August , when he told MacDonald that he would ‘ advise them ( the other two party leaders ) strongly to support ( him ) ’ ; at 10.20 p.m. on the evening of the same day , after the Cabinet meeting , when the King ‘ impressed upon the Prime Minister that he was the only man to lead the country through this crisis and hoped that he would reconsider the situation ’ ; and at the Buckingham Palace conference itself .
20 Since this was Keith Jones ' last committee meeting , the committee expressed its gratitude for the valuable contributions he had made to the committee .
21 Henry 's first appearance on television was due to a lucky prophecy he had made on the radio phone-in .
22 Some related to the project he was working on , others to previous films he had made — one on schizophrenia , another on pollution of the North Sea , another on the future of Islam .
23 One evening in the park the previous summer he had made a frank gesture that was like a question , and one side of her had wanted to say ‘ Yes ’ , but she had said ‘ No , Len , ’ and he had taken his hand away , and kissed her , and quietly accepted her decision .
24 Bower-bird was normally a shy fellow , who lived deep in the bush in a little house he had made from leaves and moss , and decorated with brightly-coloured pebbles and flowers .
25 On that occasion he had made a case both for a tutor-organiser to increase provision for trade unionist students and also for one to develop work in the New Towns of Harlow , Stevenage , Hemel Hempstead and Hatfield .
26 George says he will miss the many contacts he has made in BNFL and URENCO over the years but is looking forward to spending more time on his hobbies , particularly gardening , walking and amateur dramatics .
27 He had carried the day , of course , for although in fourteen years he had made himself supreme King in Alba , he was born to the north , and from Moray to the northernmost island of Orkney he was the leader men trusted and knew .
28 One of our first thoughts was to accommodate the sows outdoors , so for comparative purposes he has made the assumption that new purpose-built accommodation for 220 sows would be likely to cost £400 a sow .
29 Nothing could lift his mood — not the fact that his supplier had managed to get his hands on a pirate video of the new Schwarzenegger , nor the really quite healthy profit he had made on the afternoon 's racing at York , nor even the fat Havana cigar to which he had treated himself .
30 There were gifts and handshakes on the top floor of Hinton House as Sir christopher Bade farewell to some of the many friends he has made during his six-year chairmanship .
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