Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have come as " in BNC.

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1 Political defeat has come as a profound shock for the ruling Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP ) .
2 This attitude has come as a shock to many in Hollywood who are falling over themselves to sign him .
3 So this news has come as a disappointment to local business leaders .
4 Patrick Duff wrote , ‘ This reverse has come as a great shock .
5 I know that the organisational change has come as a shock to you , as it has for me , but we want to part company after all these years , on the best and friendliest of terms .
6 ‘ Not that I have any wish to flatter you , but I have to admit that your sometimes acerbic comments have come as a welcome change .
7 One party had come as a dragon and were doing a conga through the dancing couples , tail disintegrating even as the giant head bobbed up and down .
8 It was because she 'd never taken him seriously that the whole thing had come as a surprise .
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