Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] have [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 This lead to the proposition that it was the work of Clodius Albinus , in putting the Province in a state of defence , while he took most of the troops to Gaul in his unsuccessful bid for the purple , and this theory has yet to be seriously challenged .
32 The present and future impact of unemployment on the well-being of old people has yet to be assessed and indeed may be most strongly felt in the next decade or two .
33 Though designed both to save foreign exchange and for social welfare reasons , this policy had later to be modified as problems of quality and unreliable supply multiplied .
34 Oddly , much credit for this advance has also to be given to Pius X who , in 1909 , founded the Biblical Institute ( the Biblicum ) in Rome and handed it over to the charge of the Jesuits , the Dominicans having earlier founded the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem .
35 The existence of this mechanism has yet to be convincingly demonstrated , however [ Brown , 1981 ] .
36 That downturn remains a real risk in an industry where the true commercial prospects have still to be established .
37 However , this sense had now to be articulated in new ways .
38 All right the abbey is in ruins and I doubt whether that impotent old priest up at the Old Rectory has much on offer .
39 The details of this transaction have yet to be agreed with holders of minority interests .
40 Our latest Foreign Secretary has yet to publicly pick up the file marked Hong Kong .
41 The £1,800 earmarked for extensions and alterations to the Civic Centre had not in fact been turned down by the Liberal administration but had merely been cynically deferred until after the byelection !
42 It became clear that nothing had been gained by removing the prince , especially as another ruler had now to be found .
43 This mystery has yet to be solved , although two quite separate sets of theories seem to indicate that indeed there are successive Big Bangs .
44 Certainly there would have been no satisfaction in such behaviour if the would-be escaper had not for a time at any rate believed in himself
45 The difference was that inequality was more pronounced in the Midland one , where the two top men had upwards of £1,000 apiece , in contrast to Exeter , where the highest was £300 , and altogether there were twenty-nine three-figure fortunes compared with just twenty in Coventry ( see Table 2.10 ) .
46 For all that he warned against the mixing of science and religion , Bacon remained convinced that scientific conclusions had still to be limited by religion .
47 Modern equipment is extremely complex and some systems have up to seven separate cleaning stages before any gas is released into the atmosphere .
48 Whether video-on-demand can be classified in this way has yet to be established .
49 The tremendous disadvantage is , however , that when the drugs are stopped , the amount of weight regained is almost exactly equal to that lost , and long-term loss from short-term use of appetite-suppressant drugs has yet to be demonstrated .
50 The history of ageing in this country has still to be written .
51 Though there is much evidence to indicate its increasing popularity as a news medium , radio 's impact on the popular press has yet to be taken into account when examining this period .
52 As we shall see in the following chapter , this does not necessarily mean that the interests of farmers and landowners are no longer dominant in rural society , but it does mean that this dominance has increasingly to be carried out by reaching an accommodation with these new conditions .
53 Even this one example suggests that this objection has little to it .
54 Although the existence of such a state might have important legal implications in cases where accidents take place , as Horne ( 1992 ) argues , such states have yet to be adequately differentiated from simple sleepiness .
55 A real attempt had now to be made to change the political climate under which the Roman way of life could be accepted and economic development could prosper .
56 European diplomacy had thus extended its frontiers far to the East ; a new , large , and in some ways awkwardly shaped piece had now to be fitted into the jigsaw of international relations .
57 The main problem with both petrol and diesel exhausts is the remains of unburnt fuel droplets which were not completely used up in the combustion process.Even after 100 years of internal combustion , the perfect engine has yet to be built .
58 Likewise , oxygen-rich compounds at the surface probably control the oxygen abundance in the lower atmosphere , though such oxygen has yet to be detected .
59 has agreed to become our full-time NDO and will be working from the Office several days a week — the actual days have yet to be decided .
60 The full value of such workshops has yet to be confirmed but there is no doubt that they represent a valuable communication tool .
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